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2.3.23 Satellite: n8n

av edited this page Oct 27, 2024 · 2 revisions

Handle: n8n URL: http://localhost:34191

n8n is a low-code workflow automation tool.


# [Optional] Pre-pull the images
harbor pull n8n

# Start the service
harbor up n8n

# [Optional] Open the web interface
harbor open n8n

When running for the first time, n8n will require you to set up an owner account. Follow the instructions on the web interface to complete the setup.

Optionally, you might import a sample workflow pre-configured to reach Harbor's built-in Ollama service. Note that it's identical to the official Ollama example with the only difference being pre-configured Ollama URL.

harbor n8n import:workflow --separate --input=/backups/workflows
harbor n8n import:credentials --separate --input=/backup/credentials


You can run arbitrary n8n CLI commands with harbor run n8n, for example:

harbor run n8n license:info
harbor n8n audit

Apart from that, you'll be mainly interacting with n8n via its Web interface. You can import and export workflows, manage credentials, and more.

Credentials configuration

When configuring credentials to access Harbor's services, please ensure to use "Internal" versions of the URLs. For example:

# "Internal" URL can be obtained with '-i' flag
harbor url -i ollama

# This won't work, as its outside of the Docker network
harbor url ollama


See all configuration options with harbor config ls

# All config options
harbor config ls | grep N8N

Notably, you can configure the location of the n8n workspace.

# Set the custom workspace location
harbor config set n8n.workspace ~/.n8n

Following mount structure (relative to the workspace) is used:

  • /storage - Persistent storage for workflows and credentials
  • /backup - Folder to import/export workflows and credentials
  • /shared - Folder for shared files to be used with File nodes in n8n
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