Open source Rails Engine. Install in a host Rails app.
For creating music streaming services, band pages or record stores
In your host Rails app, first add gem 'yams_core' to your Gemfile
gem 'yams_core'
Then mount the engine to a location of your choice in your app's config/routes.rb
mount YamsCore::Engine, at: "/"
Copy over relevant files
bin/rails yams_core:install:migrations
Docker needs the context to be the App so for now seems we have to copy over the engine's Compose file and Copy over Dockerfile to root of App - i.e containers have to be built from . in the App context not the engine Context
#TODO make part of the installer
cp /yams_core/docker/docker-compose.yml /mpApp/docker-compose.yml
cp /yams_core/docker/Dockerfile /mpApp/Dockerfile
Clone from github
This application requires:
A host Rails app
- Ruby 2.5
- Rails 5
- Elastic search with Kibana - Installation instructions - or see docker section below.
- Sidekiq and Redis
These are already bundled as services, configured to inter operate, in our docker compose setup.
Elastic search will be available at : http://localhost:9200
Kibana will be available at : http://localhost:5601
To manually install Redis locally see :
To start them locally, run from the root of the application:
bundle exec sidekiq
Some mp3 processing currently requires ffmpeg
For Ubuntu
sudo apt install ffmpeg
File uploads require imagemagick
For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
In your cloned project, install the gems
bundle install
A Dockerfile and docker-compose file are provided to simplify installation.
The complete stack, for development, can be spun up with a single thor command :
bundle exec thor yams:docker:dev:up
Elastic Search container may exit first time, with log containing :
ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed
[1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
You can open a bash sh in the container and jump to seed the DB section.
docker exec -ti development bash
Elastic search will be available at : http://localhost:9200
Kibana will be available at : http://localhost:5601
Sidekick configuration, including list of queues to start can found here : docker/config/sidekiq.yml
We use .env to manage configuration, including DB access.
Copy .env.example to .env and edit, supplying your DB credentials. Current config is setup to use postgres.
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
The admin user is created via db:seed task with password specified in .env
In development seed will also create an artist User
email: '' password: 'artist_change_me'
rake db:seed
Change admin password !
Example data can be bulked uploaded from Excel spreadsheet containing details of tracks and covers.
There is a starter pack of my music and images available Free, click the Download button, from this link :
Save the contents to /tmp
- which is the path hardcoded in the loading spreadsheet : db/seed/aqwan_tracks.xls
The development artist user is assigned by default in the spreadsheet, so edit this to assign tracks to a different user.
thor yams:db:seed_music
This is essentially a wrapper around an Excel import tool for Rails. If you want to load your own, the raw command would be :
thor datashift:import:excel -i db/seed/aqwan_tracks.xls -m Track -c lib/tasks/config/track_import.yaml
If hosting your own YAMS, you probably first want to change the front_page
and about
These can be found under : app/views/pages
We use mailcatcher but is not present inr Gemfile since it will conflict with your applications gems at some point.
Simply run gem install mailcatcher
then mailcatcher
to get started.
The app and associated applications can be spun up via Docker
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
@copyright thomas statter @ autotelik
open source