s# amiro_citrack
Example repository to run the AMiRo in the CITrack with a NetBoot machine in the loop.
It setups the simple package amiro_in_the_loop
, so that you sense and control an AMiRo with a PC in the network.
Tracking and localization is provided by CITrack, which topics are provided by multimaster_fkie if you run roslaunch amiro_in_the_loop master_sync.launch
Communication to the AMiRo is provided by the AMiRo Bridges.
- If you work on a NetBoot machine, you have to add the following lines to the bashrc to make RSB available for compilation and runtime:
ls $F >/dev/null
export PATH=$F/bin:$F/sbin:${PATH}
export MANPATH=$F/share/man:${MANPATH}
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$F/lib/pkgconfig:$F/lib64/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$F/lib:$F/lib64:$F/usr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export LIBRARY_PATH=$F/lib:$F/lib64:$F/usr/lib:${LIBRARY_PATH}
Build the packages (e.g.
catkin build
) -
to the systems folder~/.config
Run a spread daemon on
which provides communication between your PC and the AMiRo -
Run e.g.
roslaunch amiro_in_the_loop start_amiro_in_the_loop.launch
to receive CITrack localization and control the AMiRo Nr. 7 via ROS twist messages.