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chiragnagpal committed Apr 21, 2022
1 parent 466e486 commit d6119e4
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 58 deletions.
172 changes: 114 additions & 58 deletions auton_survival/
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@@ -9,10 +9,23 @@
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The `auton-survival` Package
The python package `auton-survival` is repository of reusable utilities for projects
involving censored Time-to-Event Data. `auton-survival` provides a flexible APIs
allowing rapid experimentation including dataset preprocessing, regression,
counterfactual estimation, clustering and phenotyping and propensity adjusted evaluation.
**For complete details on** `auton-survival` **see**:
<h3>• <a href="">White Paper</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; • <a href="">Documentation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; • <a href="">Demo Notebooks</a></h3>
Python package `auton_survival` provides a flexible API for various problems
in survival analysis, including regression, counterfactual estimation,
and phenotyping.
What is Survival Analysis?
@@ -28,76 +41,81 @@
* There is presence of censoring ie. a large number of instances of data are
lost to follow up.
The Auton Survival Package
The package `auton_survival` is repository of reusable utilities for projects
involving censored Time-to-Event Data. `auton_survival` allows rapid
experimentation including dataset preprocessing, regression, counterfactual
estimation, clustering and phenotyping and propnsity adjusted evaluation.
Survival Regression
Currently supported Survival Models are:
#### `auton_survival.models`
### `auton_survival.models.dsm.DeepSurvivalMachines`
### `auton_survival.models.dcm.DeepCoxMixtures`
### `auton_survival.models.cph.DeepCoxPH`
Training a Deep Cox Proportional Hazards Model with `auton-survival`
from auton_survival import datasets, preprocessing, models
### `auton_survival.estimators`
# Load the SUPPORT Dataset
outcomes, features = datasets.load_dataset("SUPPORT")
This module provids a wrapper to model survival datasets with standard
survival (time-to-event) analysis methods. The use of the wrapper allows
a simple standard interface for multiple different survival regression methods.
# Preprocess (Impute and Scale) the features
features = preprocessing.Preprocessor().fit_transform(features)
`auton_survival.estimators` also provides convenient wrappers around other popular
python survival analysis packages to experiment with the following
survival regression estimators
# Train a Deep Cox Proportional Hazards (DCPH) model
model = models.cph.DeepCoxPH(layers=[100]), outcomes.time, outcomes.event)
- Random Survival Forests (`pysurvival`):
- Weibull Accelerated Failure Time (`lifelines`) :
# Predict risk at specific time horizons.
predictions = model.predict_risk(features, t=[8, 12, 16])
### `auton_survival.experiments`
Modules to perform standard survival analysis experiments. This module
provides a top-level interface to run `auton_survival` style experiments
of survival analysis, involving cross-validation style experiments with
multiple different survival analysis models at different horizons of
event times.
The module further eases evaluation by automatically computing the
*censoring adjusted* estimates of the Metrics of interest, like
**Time Dependent Concordance Index** and **Brier Score** with **IPCW**
#### `auton_survival.estimators`
This module provides a wrapper `auton_survival.estimators.SurvivalModel` to model
survival datasets with standard survival (time-to-event) analysis methods.
The use of the wrapper allows a simple standard interface for multiple different
survival regression methods.
`auton_survival.estimators` also provides convenient wrappers around other popular
python survival analysis packages to experiment with Random Survival Forests and
Weibull Accelerated Failure Time regression models.
# auton_survival Style Cross Validation Experiment.
from auton_survival import datasets
features, outcomes = datasets.load_topcat()
from auton_survival import estimators
# Train a Deep Survival Machines model using the SurvivalModel class.
model = estimators.SurvivalModel(model='dsm'), outcomes)
# Predict risk at time horizons.
predictions = model.predict_risk(features, times=[8, 12, 16])
#### `auton_survival.experiments`
from auton_survival.experiments import SurvivalCVRegressionExperiment
Modules to perform standard survival analysis experiments. This module
provides a top-level interface to run `auton-survival` style experiments
of survival analysis, involving cross-validation style experiments with
multiple different survival analysis models
# instantiate an auton_survival Experiment by
# specifying the features and outcomes to use.
experiment = SurvivalCVRegressionExperiment(features, outcomes)
# auton-survival Style Cross Validation Experiment.
from auton_survival.experiments import SurvivalRegressionCV
# Fit the `experiment` object with a Cox Model'cph')
# Define the Hyperparameter grid to perform Cross Validation
hyperparam_grid = {'n_estimators' : [50, 100], 'max_depth' : [3, 5],
'max_features' : ['sqrt', 'log2']}
# Evaluate the performance at time=1 year horizon.
scores = experiment.evaluate(time=1.)
# Train a RSF model with cross-validation using the SurvivalRegressionCV class
model = SurvivalRegressionCV(model='rsf', cv_folds=5, hyperparam_grid=hyperparam_grid), outcomes)
Phenotyping and Knowledge Discovery
### `auton_survival.phenotyping`
#### `auton_survival.phenotyping`
`auton_survival.phenotyping` allows extraction of latent clusters or subgroups
of patients that demonstrate similar outcomes. In the context of this package,
@@ -107,6 +125,27 @@
reduction on the inpute covariates \( x \) followed by the use of a clustering
algorithm on this representation.
from auton_survival.phenotyping import ClusteringPhenotyper
# Dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to 8 dimensions.
dim_red_method, = 'pca', 8
# We use a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with 3 components and diagonal covariance.
clustering_method, n_clusters = 'gmm', 3
# Initialize the phenotyper with the above hyperparameters.
phenotyper = ClusteringPhenotyper(clustering_method=clustering_method,
# Fit and infer the phenogroups.
phenotypes = phenotyper.fit_phenotype(features)
# Plot the phenogroup specific Kaplan-Meier survival estimate.
auton_survival.reporting.plot_kaplanmeier(outcomes, phenotypes)
- **Factual Phenotyping**: Involves the use of structured latent variable
models, `auton_survival.models.dcm.DeepCoxMixtures` or
`auton_survival.models.dsm.DeepSurvivalMachines` to recover phenogroups that
@@ -124,15 +163,15 @@
popular `SUPPORT`, `FRAMINGHAM` and `PBC` dataset for survival analysis.
### `auton_survival.datasets`
#### `auton_survival.datasets`
# Load the SUPPORT Dataset
from auton_survival import dataset
features, outcomes = datasets.load_dataset('SUPPORT')
### `auton_survival.preprocessing`
#### `auton_survival.preprocessing`
This module provides a flexible API to perform imputation and data
normalization for downstream machine learning models. The module has
3 distinct classes, `Scaler`, `Imputer` and `Preprocessor`. The `Preprocessor`
@@ -157,14 +196,33 @@ class is a composite transform that does both Imputing ***and*** Scaling with
Evaluation and Reporting
### `auton_survival.metrics`
#### `auton_survival.metrics`
Helper functions to generate standard reports for common Survival Analysis tasks.
Citing and References
Please cite the following papers if you are using the `auton_survival` package.
Please cite the following if you use `auton-survival`:
[auton-survival: an Open-Source Package for Regression,
Counterfactual Estimation, Evaluation and Phenotyping
with Censored Time-to-Event Data (2022)](</a>
url = {},
author = {Nagpal, Chirag and Potosnak, Willa and Dubrawski, Artur},
title = {auton-survival: an Open-Source Package for Regression,
Counterfactual Estimation, Evaluation and Phenotyping with
Censored Time-to-Event Data},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
Additionally, models and methods in `auton_survival` come from the following papers.
Please cite the individual papers if you employ them in your research:
[1] [Deep Survival Machines:
Fully Parametric Survival Regression and
@@ -231,14 +289,14 @@ class is a composite transform that does both Imputing ***and*** Scaling with
`auton_survival` requires `python` 3.5+ and `pytorch` 1.1+.
`auton-survival` requires `python` 3.5+ and `pytorch` 1.1+.
To evaluate performance using standard metrics
`auton_survival` requires `scikit-survival`.
`auton-survival` requires `scikit-survival`.
`auton_survival` is [on GitHub]. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
`auton-survival` is [on GitHub]. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
[on GitHub]:
@@ -266,10 +324,8 @@ class is a composite transform that does both Imputing ***and*** Scaling with
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