This sample demonstrate how to retrieve data of all the folders and files on a specific project to render on a table and export it as csv. This sample recursively iterate through all folders of the selected project. It works by traversing the entire folder structure and sending the individual contents to the client one by one. Every file and folder under the selected project are rendered on the user table and can be exported as csv.
Try it at
- APS Account: Learn how to create a APS Account, activate subscription and create an app at this tutorial.
- Visual Studio: Either Community (Windows) or Code (Windows, MacOS).
- .NET Core basic knowledge with C#
- HangFire: Library for dealing with queueing. [learn more] (
Clone this project or download it. It's recommended to install GitHub desktop. To clone it via command line, use the following (Terminal on MacOSX/Linux, Git Shell on Windows):
git clone
Visual Studio (Windows):
Right-click on the project, then go to Debug. Adjust the settings as shown below. For environment variable, define the following:
your id here
your secret here
Visual Sutdio Code (Windows, MacOS):
Open the folder, at the bottom-right, select Yes and Restore. This restores the packages (e.g. Autodesk.Forge) and creates the launch.json file. See Tips & Tricks for .NET Core on MacOS.
At the .vscode\launch.json
, find the env vars and add your APS Client ID, Secret and callback URL. Also define the ASPNETCORE_URLS
variable. The end result should be as shown below:
"env": {
"ASPNETCORE_URLS" : "http://localhost:8080",
"APS_CALLBACK_URL": "http://localhost:8080/api/aps/oauth/callback",
"APS_CLIENT_SECRET": "your client secret here",
"APS_CLIENT_ID": "your client Id here"
Open http://localhost:3000
to start the app. Select Index my BIM 360 Account before using (this process may take a while). Check the http://localhost:3000/dashboard
to see the jobs running (Hangfire dashboard).
Other APIs:
- Hangfire queueing library for .NET
This sample uses .NET Core and works fine on both Windows and MacOS, see this tutorial for MacOS.
Cannot see my BIM 360/ACC projects: Make sure to provision the APS App Client ID within the BIM 360 Account, learn more here. This requires the Account Admin permission.
error setting certificate verify locations error: may happen on Windows, use the following:
git config --global http.sslverify "false"
This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
João Martins in/jpornelas, APS Partner Development