- Just Download setup_flask_base.py
- Execute it and give the project Name
- it will create all appropriate directories and also install pipenv and will run base template..
app.py will be the file which will run by flask run or guniorn app:app
application pacakage will contain all the source code related to your project
other setup files like gitignore ,Procfile,lockfiles etc ...
init.py file has Flask app object ,here you will register you Blueprint for different routing modules of your project
each Subdirectories(subpackages) are used to distinctly code and manage the system. so the project doesnt become a mess.
databases <subdirectory :- will contain module related to your databases functionality
routes <subdirectory :- will contain all the different sub routing modules ..
utility <subdirectory :- will contain utitlity modules like sending email , making a random ID generation module ..
static <subdirectory :- will contain static files like css ,javascripts ,images etc.
templates <subdirectory :- wil contain jinja based layout for web page creation ..
- Install pipenv for virtual environment management of this project
to do so : open terminal type
pip install pipenv
NOTE pip should be pip3 incase u have both python2 and python3 already installed
- First Click on Use this Template button given above.
- Create a new repository in your account with whatever name you want.
- Now Git clone your repository to your local machine..
- Goto cloned repo's directory on your local machine and type **
pipenv install
it will make a virtual environment inside the directory and also if a requirements.txt file is present ,it will try to install all the mentioned requirement
- now whenever you want to work on this project ..always open the terminal at the directory path
- Type pipenv shell to activate virtual Environment
- If you need any python module ..INSTEAD OF INSTALLING WITH pip install :modulename: use pipenv install :modulename:
- use flask run or install gunicorn and run the app with gunicorn app:app to Run the application..
Rename the application directory with your project name directory..
Script in python to make custom project structure for your project..base.. so you will need only one file to run and all the required structure with init file will be created