This extension allows users to manage spatial data within their CiviCRM instance. It presents a number of functions to perform simple spatial operations between different points and between points and polygons.
The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.
- PHP v5.4+
- CiviCRM (5.51+)
- MySQL version 5.7 or MariaDB version 10.2
This extension has not yet been published for installation via the web UI.
Sysadmins and developers may download the .zip
file for this extension and
install it with the command-line tool cv.
cd <extension-dir>
cv dl
Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.
git clone
cv en civigeometry
This extension makes use of a queueing system to manage the work of calculating address-geometry relationships. More information is given in the Usage section below.
For this to work you must configure a scheduled job that will be processed by the Civi cron on a regular basis.
First, you must ensure your system has its cron properly setup. Refer to the Scheduled jobs section]( of the CiviCRM System Administrator Guide for further info.
Second, you must create a scheduled job. The Scheduled jobs section of the CiviCRM User Guide has detailed information.
The job details are:
- Entity type: Geometry
- Entity method: runqueue
- no command parameters are required
We recommend configuring the job to run hourly.
Users can create collections of geometries and can create polygons based on GeoJSON via the CiviCRM API
Avaliable Entities and methods
- A Geometry Collection is a collation of polygons. For example, a collection of States or Provinces in a country
- Operations
- Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD). Note that CiviCRM implements these as
- Archive or unarchive a Geometry Collection. Note: this does not affect geometries linked to a collection
- Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD). Note that CiviCRM implements these as
- Useful for specfiying what type of geometry is being stored e.g. Wards, States, Electorates etc
- Operations
- Useful for specifying the source or type of collection e.g. External, Internal, Ad-Hoc, User created, etc., which can assist with finding geometries
- Operations
- A Geometry is a polygon that defines an enclosed spatial region. For example, state or province boundaries, council areas, electorates, etc.
- To create a Geometry you need to specify at least one collection and you need to pass it in an array e.g.
collection_id => [1]
- Operations
- When requesting or creating geometry the default format is GeoJSON. You can specify alternate output formats via the parameter format. Acceptable output formats are json (ie. GeoJSON), kml and wkt.
- When you create a geometry a job is added to the queue to generate all the relationships between geocoded addresses (i.e. have a latitude and longditude) and the geometry polygon.
- You can also specify an input format when creating a geometry. GeoJSOa (default), gzipped GeoJSON (
) and (server-side) file references (file
) are acceptable input formats.
- Archive or unarchive a single geometrygetCollections
- Find out which collection a geometry belongs to, or find out the ids of all the geometries in a specific collectiongetSpatialData
- Return basic spatial data including the envelope and centroid of the polygon, the SRID of the polygon (see Known Issue #2 below), and whether it is a simple or complex geometry (polygons are always considered complex)getBounds
- Return the min/max X and Y points of a geometrygetDistance
- Return the distance specified between two points. The points need to be specified in string format in the format ofPOINT(x, y)
- Determine the overlap between two geometry shapes. Returned as a percentagegetCachedOverlaps
- Returna list of all geometries that overlap the supplied geometry (with optional minimum overlap percentage)runqueue
- Runs the queued up address placement and geometry - address relationship creation jobs stored in the Geometry extension queue.getentity
- Get relationships between geometries and associated entities, must supply either ageometry_id
or the combination of entity_id and entity_table. The purpose of the relationships is to assist where entities may need to have a definition that is based on geometry or similar. E.g. An electorate in Australia is defined by the geographical area it covers.createentity
- Create a relationship between a geometry and an enttiy, must supply anentity_id
= match to MySQL table name and ageometry_id
- Delete a relationship between a geoemtry and an entity either the id of the civigeometry_geoemtry_entity table or a combination ofentity_id
- Find the nearest Geometries to a point, able to set a maximum distance to consider and limit to a specific collection. Also orders by distance. This uses the center of polygons to get the distance from to the point.
- Operations
- add relationship records between an address and a geometry into thecivigeometry_geometry_entity
table, API prefills inentity_table
- get all geometries for a specific address or get all the addresses that are within a specific geometry.
- Operations
When an address is created in the system and it has been sucessfully geocoded there will be a job added to the queue created by the extension to then calculate what geometries is the lat and long point of the address within and store those relationships via the address.creategeometries
API method.
- When creating a polygon, there can be issues with webserver size limits. If that is an issue, then the best option is to upload the GeoJSON as a file to the CiviCRM server and specify the path in the geometry parameter of the Geometry.create call and the
type = 'file'
- As of August 2019, MySQL and MariaDB do not use SRID values when performing spatial operations such as
. These operations default to a SRID value of 4326. This produces different results to what one might expect using the same operation in postgreSQL/postGIS.