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This is a plugin to track and report on your personal Background Simulation (BGS) and Thargoid War (TW) activity in Elite Dangerous. It generates Discord-ready text, summarising your activity for various factions, that can either be copied-and-pasted or automatically posted to Discord at the click of a button.
BGS-Tally is translated into a number of languages. It will automatically pick up on the language you have set EDMC to run in, if a BGS-Tally translation is available for that language.
The plugin automatically tracks the following activities, for each faction in each system, as you play the game:
- Mission INF, split by each mission reward level ➊, ➋, ➌, ➍, ➎ and into primary 🅟 and secondary 🅢 if you choose
- Election / War / CivilWar mission count
- Total trade purchases, split by demand level at the market 🅻 / 🅼 / 🅷 if you choose
- Total trade profit, and negative trade loss, split by demand level at the market 🆉 / 🅻 / 🅼 / 🅷 if you choose
- Black Market trade profit, and negative trade loss
- Cartographic data sold
- Bounty Vouchers claimed
- Combat Bonds claimed
- Missions Failed
- Ships murdered
- On-foot Conflict Zones ⚔️, and names of settlements fought at
- In-space Conflict Zones fought at, as well as side objectives, with some caveats:
- Capital ship defeats 👑 should be 100% reliable
- Spec ops wing kills 🔠 are tallied as soon as BGS-Tally finds the first detectable kill in the spec ops wing. This may not be the first spec ops kill you make because the order of events logged by the game is not predictable, so we need to tally as soon as we spot a kill. Just make sure you finish off those spec ops wings CMDRs!
- Enemy captain kills 👨
✈️ will sometimes be tallied and sometimes not, for the same reason. - Enemy propagandist wing kills ✒️ are also tallied as soon as BGS-Tally spots the first detectable kill in the propagandist wing, for the same reason.
- Megaship Scenarios
- Search and Rescue hand-in tracking, aggregated across:
- Occupied and damaged escape pods
- Black boxes
- Wreckage components
- Personal effects
- Political prisoners
- Hostages
Also, it allows you to manually tally up the following activities:
- Space Installation Scenarios
These can't currently be tracked automatically because the game doesn't provide enough information when entering a Space Installation.
The plugin automatically tracks the following activities for the 🍀 Thargoid War effort, for each system and station, as you play the game:
- 🧍 Passenger missions
- 📦 Cargo missions
- ⚕️ Injured evacuation missions
- ❕ Wounded evacuation missions
- ❗ Critically wounded evacuation missions
- 🛠️ Reactivation missions
- Thargoid Massacre Missions for each vessel type (S, C, B, M, H, O)
- Thargoid vessel kills for each vessel type (R, S, Ba, S/G, C, B, M, H, O)
- Thargoid Search and Rescue collection and hand-in tracking for:
- ⚰️ Occupied and damaged escape pods
- 🏮 Bio pods
- ⬛ Black boxes
- 🌱 Tissue samples
The plugin allows you to report your activity to a Discord server or servers of your choice at the click of a button, with separate channels for BGS and TW if you need.
If you prefer to post your activity manually, there is also a quick copy-to-clipboard button for the activity report.
If you install the EDMCOverlay plugin, BGS-Tally provides an in-game overlay displaying:
- The current tick time and alerting you when the next tick is due within an hour
- A summary of activity for the affected system when doing BGS or TW work
- An activity indicator which flashes up briefly when you do any BGS or TW work
- A Thargoid War progress bar for systems under attack
- A warning while in space Conflict Zones when you target a friendly vessel
- Information when you target a CMDR
- Every time you target another commander (whether in their own ship or a taxi / dropship), receive a friend request, add a friend, are interdicted by a commander, receive a message from a commander in local chat, are invited to a team, are killed by a CMDR or are killed by a team, it stores the details for you to review. If the commander has an Inara profile, and if they are in a squadron and their squadron has an Inara page, links are displayed to take you to those pages on Inara. You can post this information to a Discord channel of your choice.
- If you own a Fleet Carrier:
- It allows you to automatically announce your commodities and materials buy and sell orders, with quantities and prices, to a Discord channel of your choice.
- It can automatically report your carrier jumps (and cancelled jumps) to a Discord channel of your choice.
- It can send your data to a server, for example to aggregate data from all CMDRs in a squadron, or to collate Thargoid War activity across many CMDRs.