Matlab implementation of Elastic Principal Graphs (ElPiGraph) method.
To overview the features of the method, make ElPiGraph working directory, and execute
Basic self-contained formal description of ElPiGraph can be found here.
Principal graphs are graphs that are embedded into a high-dimensional space and minimize the distance to the data points, while maximizing some regular properties.
Elastic principal graphs are based on minimization of the energy potential containing three parts :
where MSE is the mean squared error of data approximation, - is the sum of squared edge lengths,
is a term minimizing the deviation of the principal graph embedment from harmonicity (generalization of linearity),
are coefficients of regularization.
The structure of the graph is computed by an optimal application of a sequence of graph transformations, using operations from predefined graph grammar. The simplest graph grammar "Bisect an edge", "Add a node to a node" leads to construction of a principal tree.
Read wiki of this repository for more detailed information on the algorithm and examples of its application.
Go to R implementation of elastic principal graphs coded by Luca Albergante.
For more details of elastic principal graph theory read:
ElPiGraph/core_algorithm - contains the core MATLAB code of the algorithm (self-contained)
ElPiGraph/core_algorithm_java - old MATLAB wrapper of the Java code for ElPiGraph
ElPiGraph/docs - some documentation on the method and the code
ElPiGraph/examples - some example applications of the method
ElPiGraph/simulations - code generating synthetic datasets (e.g., with known branching topology)
ElPiGraph/test_code - testing critical parts of the code (not needed for the package use)
ElPiGraph/test_data - example datasets
ElPiGraph/utils - utility functions for manipulating data and the graph (e.g., projection function)
ElPiGraph/visualization - utility functions used for visualizing the results of the method application (such as applying metro map layout of the principal tree)
MasterApplet - Java applet implementing several methods for constructing complex data approximators including elastic principal trees. The applet can be run as a standalone jar file.
computeElasticPrincipalCircle.m - computes closed elastic principal curve with a given number of nodes
computeElasticPrincipalCurve.m - computes elastic principal curve with a given number of nodes
computeElasticPrincipalGraph.m - computes elastic principal graph for a dataset with a given number of nodes and defined set of grammars (principal tree grammar by default)
computeRobustElasticPrincipalGraph.m - computes robust version of elastic principal graph for a dataset with a given number of nodes and defined set of grammars (principal tree grammar by default)
setallpaths.m - set all paths to other folders (needed if some functions are called directly, bypassing the root folder "computeElasticPrincipalXXX.m" functions)
Supported by the University of Leicester (UK), Institut Curie (FR), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project № 14.Y26.31.0022, ITMO Cancer SysBio program (MOSAIC project), INCa PLBIO program (Calys project).