An opensource PHP Library to generate huge amount of professional unique codes.
Here is an example code:
include "rituniquecode.php";
$uq = new rituniquecode();
$uq->pushDigits(); // adding the characters set of [0-9]
$uq->pushUppercase(); // adding the characters set of [A-Z]
$uq->pushLowercase(); // adding the characters set fo [a-z]
$uq->setCodeLength(16); // set the length of code to be generated
$uq->setPrefix("PREF-"); // set prefix sting along with the code
$uq->setSuffix("-SUFF"); // set suffix string along with the code
$uq->setSaparator(4,"-"); // set saparator character/string onto its defined code positon
$uq->pushExtraCharacters("@*#"); // add extra characters set like @, *, # etc
$uq->excludeCharacters("0oOl1"); //exclude characters set like 0, o, O, l, 1 etc
echo "<pre>";
print_r($uq->generateCode(10)); // to print the generated code array
echo "</pre>";
[codeLength] => 16
[stringLength] => 29
[pssLength] => 13
[maximumLimit] => 28211099074560000000000000000
[startValue] =>
[endValue] =>
[totalCode] => 10
[totalCharacter] => 60
[character] => Array
[0] => #
[1] => *
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[8] => 8
[9] => 9
[10] => @
[11] => A
[12] => B
[13] => C
[14] => D
[15] => E
[16] => F
[17] => G
[18] => H
[19] => I
[20] => J
[21] => K
[22] => L
[23] => M
[24] => N
[25] => P
[26] => Q
[27] => R
[28] => S
[29] => T
[30] => U
[31] => V
[32] => W
[33] => X
[34] => Y
[35] => Z
[36] => a
[37] => b
[38] => c
[39] => d
[40] => e
[41] => f
[42] => g
[43] => h
[44] => i
[45] => j
[46] => k
[47] => m
[48] => n
[49] => p
[50] => q
[51] => r
[52] => s
[53] => t
[54] => u
[55] => v
[56] => w
[57] => x
[58] => y
[59] => z
[prefix] => PREF-
[suffix] => -SUFF
[saparator] => Array
[0] => Array
[offset] => 4
[string] => -
[1] => Array
[offset] => 8
[string] => -
[2] => Array
[offset] => 12
[string] => -
[code] => Array
[0] => PREF-#qgE-BeXn-@8R2-W6jc-SUFF
[1] => PREF-*fNU-PK7a-JFu5-4CVF-SUFF
[2] => PREF-2W6j-c*fN-UPK7-aJFu-SUFF
[3] => PREF-3Lp#-qgEB-eXn@-8R2W-SUFF
[4] => PREF-4CVF-3Lp#-qgEB-eXn@-SUFF
[5] => PREF-54CV-F3Lp-#qgE-BeXn-SUFF
[6] => PREF-5uvk-Shwb-@z9G-imIQ-SUFF
[7] => PREF-6jc*-fNUP-K7aJ-Fu54-SUFF
[8] => PREF-7aJF-u54C-VF3L-p#qg-SUFF
[9] => PREF-8R2W-6jc*-fNUP-K7aJ-SUFF
void pushDigits( void )
void pushUppercase( void )
void pushLowercase( void )
void pushExtraCharacters( string $string )
void excludeCharacters( string $string )
array getTotalCharacter( void )
string getMaximumLimit( void )
void setCodeLength( int $codeLength )
void setPrefix( string $string )
void setSuffix( string $string )
void setSaparator( int $offset, string $string )
string codeCompose( string $string )
array generateCode( int $quantity [, bool $ordered = false [, string $starter = "-1" ]] )
RitUniqueCode is free php library: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. Please read the LICENSE file for more details.