This repository houses the Audioxide archive and its email automation. It present it has two main sections.
A script that pulls through site JSON data and generates 90% of monthly newsletters. We currently use Mailchimp, which is a little tedious to fill in manually and though stylish enough is ultimately quite restrictive. Its archive functionality is also limited. More importantly, it's off-site. The script populates a HTML template with content published that month. Ideally all that's left to do is a quick proof read and custom sections like the introduction, site development, and album artwork story updates.
- Latest content data:
- All reviews:
Built using SvelteKit, the Audioxide archive is an on-site directory of all our old newsletters. To run locally go the /archive
folder then enter the following:
npm install
npm run dev -- --open
The archive will then be viewable at http://localhost:3000.
The approach has been largely modeled on (read: ripped off from) Dense Discovery. It's a great example to follow.