Here's a comprehensive guide to setting up an Azure Migrate Project along with example steps and code snippets to assist in automation:
To migrate on-premises workloads, virtual machines (VMs), databases, and applications to Azure using Azure Migrate.
- Azure Subscription with sufficient permissions.
- Access to on-premises environment for assessment and migration.
- Azure Migrate Service enabled in the Azure portal.
- Migration goals defined (e.g., VMs, databases, or apps).
Portal Steps:
- Go to the Azure Migrate Hub.
- Click on + Add tools and select Create project.
- Provide:
- Subscription.
- Resource group.
- Project name.
- Region.
- Click Create.
Automate with Azure CLI:
az account set --subscription "<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"
az group create --name "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" --location "<LOCATION>"
az migrate project create \
--resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" \
--location "<LOCATION>" \
--name "<PROJECT_NAME>" \
--solution-name "Azure Migrate"
- Download and configure the Azure Migrate Appliance:
- From the Azure portal, download the OVA/Installer for your environment.
- Install the appliance in your on-premises data center.
Automate Appliance Setup with PowerShell:
# Example: Setting up Appliance
$MigrationApplianceURL = "<MIGRATION_APPLIANCE_URL>"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $MigrationApplianceURL -OutFile "AzureMigrateApplianceInstaller.exe"
Start-Process -FilePath "AzureMigrateApplianceInstaller.exe" -Wait
- Register the appliance using the key generated in Azure Migrate.
- In the Azure Migrate portal:
- Select the project.
- Add Assessment tools (e.g., Azure Migrate: Server Assessment).
- Run discovery and wait for data to sync.
Automate with Azure CLI:
az migrate appliance add \
--project-name "<PROJECT_NAME>" \
--resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" \
--name "<APPLIANCE_NAME>" \
--type "ServerAssessment" \
--appliance-key "<APPLIANCE_KEY>"
- Choose a migration tool (e.g., Azure Migrate: Server Migration).
- Replicate workloads from on-premises to Azure:
- Configure replication settings in the Azure portal.
- Monitor replication.
Automate with Azure CLI:
az migrate replication create \
--resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" \
--project-name "<PROJECT_NAME>" \
--appliance-name "<APPLIANCE_NAME>" \
--vm-name "<VM_NAME>" \
--replication-properties @replication-config.json
Example replication-config.json
"replicationPolicy": {
"recoveryPointObjectiveInMinutes": 5,
"recoveryTimeObjectiveInMinutes": 30
"targetAzureVm": {
"size": "Standard_D2s_v3",
"networkInterface": [
"name": "NIC1",
"ipAllocationMethod": "Dynamic"
- Perform a test migration.
- Validate the workload on Azure.
- Execute the final cutover to Azure.
Automate Cutover with Azure CLI:
az migrate replication cutover \
--resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" \
--project-name "<PROJECT_NAME>" \
--vm-name "<VM_NAME>"
For a full automation script, you can create a repository structure as follows:
├── scripts/
│ ├── # Azure CLI script to create a migrate project
│ ├── setup_appliance.ps1 # PowerShell script to configure appliance
│ ├── replication_config.json # JSON file for replication settings
├── # Documentation
└── .gitignore # Ignore unnecessary files
# Azure Migrate Project Automation
## Overview
Automate the setup and migration process using Azure Migrate with CLI and PowerShell.
## Steps
1. Run `` to create the Azure Migrate project.
2. Download and configure the migration appliance with `setup_appliance.ps1`.
3. Edit `replication_config.json` for replication settings.
4. Use Azure CLI to perform assessments and migrations.
- Use Azure Monitor and Azure Service Health to ensure smooth operations.
- Automate alerting with Azure Monitor using CLI:
az monitor metrics alert create \ --name "MigrationAlert" \ --resource-group "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" \ --scopes "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/<PROJECT_NAME>" \ --condition "avg DiskWriteBytes > 1000000" \ --action-group "<ACTION_GROUP>"
Let me know if you'd like further details or enhancements!