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Below is a full Azure Data Factory (ADF) project with a sample dataset, code, and detailed steps for creating a pipeline to move data from Azure Blob Storage to an Azure SQL Database, including transformations.


Move and transform data from Azure Blob Storage (CSV file) to an Azure SQL Database using Azure Data Factory.

Sample Dataset

Save this dataset as a sample_data.csv file and upload it to an Azure Blob Storage container.

101,John Doe,Engineering,60000
102,Jane Smith,Marketing,55000
103,Michael Brown,Sales,45000
104,Linda White,HR,50000

Steps to Create the ADF Project

Step 1: Prerequisites

  1. Azure Subscription: Ensure you have access.
  2. Azure Blob Storage: Create a storage account, container, and upload the sample_data.csv file.
  3. Azure SQL Database:
    • Create a table for the data:
      CREATE TABLE Employee (
          EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY,
          Name NVARCHAR(50),
          Department NVARCHAR(50),
          Salary INT
  4. Install Azure Data Factory Studio (available via the Azure Portal).

Step 2: Create the Data Factory

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal.
  2. Search for Data Factory and click Create.
  3. Fill in:
    • Subscription: Select your subscription.
    • Resource Group: Create or select one.
    • Region: Choose a nearby region.
    • Data Factory Name: Provide a unique name.
  4. Click Review + Create, then Create.

Step 3: Create Linked Services

Linked Services are used to connect ADF to external resources.

1. Blob Storage Linked Service

  1. In ADF Studio, go to Manage > Linked Services.
  2. Click + New and select Azure Blob Storage.
  3. Configure:
    • Account Selection Method: Enter manually or use a subscription.
    • Storage Account Name: Enter the storage account.
  4. Test the connection and save.

2. Azure SQL Database Linked Service

  1. Create another Linked Service for Azure SQL Database.
  2. Configure:
    • Server Name: Enter the server address.
    • Database Name: Enter the database name.
    • Authentication Type: SQL authentication.
    • Username and Password: Enter credentials.
  3. Test the connection and save.

Step 4: Create Datasets

Datasets represent the data structure in the source and destination.

1. Blob Dataset

  1. Go to Author > Datasets, click + New Dataset.
  2. Select Azure Blob Storage and DelimitedText.
  3. Configure:
    • Linked Service: Select Blob Storage.
    • File Path: Point to sample_data.csv.
    • Enable First Row as Header.
  4. Save as BlobInputDataset.

2. SQL Dataset

  1. Add another dataset for the Azure SQL Database.
  2. Select Azure SQL Database and configure:
    • Linked Service: Select SQL Database.
    • Table Name: Choose Employee.
  3. Save as SQLSinkDataset.

Step 5: Create the Pipeline

  1. In Author > Pipelines, click + New Pipeline.
  2. Drag and drop the Copy Data activity onto the canvas.
  3. Configure the activity:
    • Source:
      • Select BlobInputDataset.
    • Sink:
      • Select SQLSinkDataset.
    • Mapping:
      • Map source columns to sink columns:
        • EmployeeID → EmployeeID
        • Name → Name
        • Department → Department
        • Salary → Salary.

Step 6: Debug and Run

  1. Click Debug to test the pipeline.
  2. Monitor the progress in the Output window.

Step 7: Publish and Trigger

  1. Click Publish All to save changes.
  2. Add a trigger:
    • Manual: Use Trigger Now.
    • Scheduled: Configure a schedule in Add Trigger > New/Edit.

Code Snippets

Pipeline JSON

  "name": "CopyPipeline",
  "properties": {
    "activities": [
        "name": "Copy Data from Blob to SQL",
        "type": "Copy",
        "typeProperties": {
          "source": {
            "type": "DelimitedTextSource",
            "additionalColumns": []
          "sink": {
            "type": "AzureSqlSink"
        "inputs": [
            "referenceName": "BlobInputDataset",
            "type": "DatasetReference"
        "outputs": [
            "referenceName": "SQLSinkDataset",
            "type": "DatasetReference"

Blob Dataset JSON

  "name": "BlobInputDataset",
  "properties": {
    "linkedServiceName": {
      "referenceName": "AzureBlobStorageLinkedService",
      "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
    "type": "DelimitedText",
    "typeProperties": {
      "location": {
        "type": "AzureBlobStorageLocation",
        "container": "sample-container",
        "fileName": "sample_data.csv"
      "columnDelimiter": ",",
      "firstRowAsHeader": true

SQL Dataset JSON

  "name": "SQLSinkDataset",
  "properties": {
    "linkedServiceName": {
      "referenceName": "AzureSQLDatabaseLinkedService",
      "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
    "type": "AzureSqlTable",
    "typeProperties": {
      "tableName": "Employee"


  1. Transformation:
    • Add a Data Flow for complex transformations.
  2. Error Handling:
    • Use Try-Catch blocks for pipeline errors.
  3. Parameterization:
    • Add pipeline parameters for dynamic dataset paths or table names.
  4. Monitoring:
    • Enable alerts via Azure Monitor.

This full project demonstrates creating a functional Azure Data Factory pipeline with datasets, linked services, and transformations. Let me know if you'd like additional customizations!


Azure Data Factory Project







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