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Coding Practice

This is a personal project to practice coding and writing tests. The provided shell script helps create a structured layout for solving coding problems and writing corresponding unit tests. Additionally, a NodeJS sub-project is included to automatically generate content for the README and test files using ChatGPT.

Script Overview The shell script ( is used to create a directory structure for coding problems and their tests. It ensures that each problem has its own directory with a Java file for the solution, a corresponding test file, and a README file. The shell script ( automates the execution of for multiple questions listed in a JSON file (questions.json). It also installs jq if it's not already installed.

generate-content.js The NodeJS script (generate-content.js) uses the ChatGPT API to insert data into the README and test files for each question. It reads the questions from the questions.json file and generates comprehensive descriptions and test cases.


To use the script, run it with the required arguments:

./ <QuestionNumber> <QuestionTitle> <Topic>


./ 1 TwoSum array_string

This command will:

  • Create the necessary directories for the problem and test.
  • Generate a Java file for the problem ( in the appropriate directory.
  • Generate a corresponding test file (
  • Create a file in the problem's directory.


To automate the creation of the structure for multiple questions:


This script reads the list of questions from the questions.json file and runs for each one.



To use the NodeJS script for generating content:

  • Set your ChatGPT API key in the terminal:
export CHATGPT_API_KEY=your_api_key_here

Run the script:

node generate-content.js

This script will generate content for the README and test files for each question listed in the questions.json file.

Project Structure

The project follows a specific directory structure to organize the problems and their tests. Here is an example of the structure after running the scripts:

├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── java
│   │       └── leetcode
│   │           ├── array_string
│   │           │   └── q1
│   │           │       ├──
│   │           │       └──
│   │           └── prims_algorithm
│   │               └── q1135
│   │                   ├──
│   │                   └──
│   └── test
│       └── java
│           └── leetcode
│               ├── array_string
│               │   └── q1
│               │       └──
│               └── prims_algorithm
│                   └── q1135
│                       └──
├── leetcode-chatgpt
│   ├── generate-content.js
│   ├── package.json
│   └── .env
├── questions.json

Generated Files

  • src/main/java/leetcode//q/.java: Java file containing the solution for the problem.
  • src/test/java/leetcode//q/ Java file containing the unit tests for the problem.
  • src/main/java/leetcode//q/ README file specific to the problem, to provide additional details or documentation.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the scripts ( and are executable. You can make them executable by running:
chmod +x
  • Make sure you have jq installed. The script will attempt to install it if it's not already available.

  • Set your ChatGPT API key before running the NodeJS script to generate content:

This setup provides a comprehensive structure and automation for practicing coding problems, writing tests, and generating necessary documentation using ChatGPT.

My Study Plan

Heap/Priority Queue (10 Medium Questions)

  1. Question #347 (Medium) - Top K Frequent Elements
  2. Question #692 (Medium) - Top K Frequent Words
  3. Question #451 (Medium) - Sort Characters By Frequency
  4. Question #973 (Medium) - K Closest Points to Origin
  5. Question #1167 (Medium) - Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks
  6. Question #215 (Medium) - Kth Largest Element in an Array
  7. Question #378 (Medium) - Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix
  8. Question #846 (Medium) - Hand of Straights
  9. Question #373 (Medium) - Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums
  10. Question #759 (Medium) - Employee Free Time

Sorting/Searching (5 Medium Questions)

  1. Question #34 (Medium) - Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
  2. Question #658 (Medium) - Find K Closest Elements
  3. Question #912 (Medium) - Sort an Array
  4. Question #162 (Medium) - Find Peak Element

Dijkstra's Algorithm (3 Questions)

  1. Question #743 (Medium) - Network Delay Time
  2. Question #787 (Medium) - Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
  3. Question #1631 (Medium) - Path With Minimum Effort

Prim's Algorithm (2 Questions)

  1. Question #1584 (Medium) - Min Cost to Connect All Points
  2. Question #1135 (Medium) - Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost

Union Find (4 Questions)

  1. Question #684 (Medium) - Redundant Connection
  2. Question #721 (Medium) - Accounts Merge
  3. Question #952 (Hard) - Largest Component Size by Common Factor
  4. Question #1202 (Medium) - Smallest String With Swaps

Minimum Spanning Tree (2 Questions)

  1. Question #1584 (Medium) - Min Cost to Connect All Points
  2. Question #1135 (Medium) - Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost
  3. Question #1168 (Medium) - Optimize Water Distribution in a Village
  4. Question #1489 (Hard) - Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree

Kruskal's Algorithm (2 Questions)

  1. Question #1584 (Medium) - Min Cost to Connect All Points
  2. Question #1135 (Medium) - Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost

Tree (15 Medium Questions)

  1. Question #103 (Medium) - Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
  2. Question #105 (Medium) - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
  3. Question #114 (Medium) - Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
  4. Question #144 (Medium) - Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
  5. Question #199 (Medium) - Binary Tree Right Side View
  6. Question #222 (Medium) - Count Complete Tree Nodes
  7. Question #230 (Medium) - Kth Smallest Element in a BST
  8. Question #236 (Medium) - Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
  9. Question #297 (Hard) - Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
  10. Question #337 (Medium) - House Robber III
  11. Question #508 (Medium) - Most Frequent Subtree Sum
  12. Question #513 (Medium) - Find Bottom Left Tree Value
  13. Question #515 (Medium) - Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row
  14. Question #662 (Medium) - Maximum Width of Binary Tree
  15. Question #958 (Medium) - Check Completeness of a Binary Tree

Backtracking (10 Medium Questions)

  1. Question #39 (Medium) - Combination Sum
  2. Question #46 (Medium) - Permutations
  3. Question #78 (Medium) - Subsets
  4. Question #90 (Medium) - Subsets II
  5. Question #131 (Medium) - Palindrome Partitioning
  6. Question #212 (Hard) - Word Search II
  7. Question #216 (Medium) - Combination Sum III
  8. Question #306 (Medium) - Additive Number
  9. Question #491 (Medium) - Increasing Subsequences
  10. Question #784 (Medium) - Letter Case Permutation

Dynamic Programming (8 Questions)

  1. Question #70 (Easy) - Climbing Stairs
  2. Question #91 (Medium) - Decode Ways
  3. Question #198 (Medium) - House Robber
  4. Question #300 (Medium) - Longest Increasing Subsequence
  5. Question #322 (Medium) - Coin Change
  6. Question #416 (Medium) - Partition Equal Subset Sum
  7. Question #494 (Medium) - Target Sum
  8. Question #152 (Medium) - Maximum Product Subarray

Recursion with Strings (5 Questions)

  1. Question #22 (Medium) - Generate Parentheses
  2. Question #44 (Hard) - Wildcard Matching
  3. Question #93 (Medium) - Restore IP Addresses
  4. Question #131 (Medium) - Palindrome Partitioning
  5. Question #301 (Hard) - Remove Invalid Parentheses

Array / String (20 Questions)

  1. Question #88 (Easy) - Merge Sorted Array
  2. Question #27 (Easy) - Remove Element
  3. Question #26 (Easy) - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  4. Question #80 (Medium) - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
  5. Question #169 (Easy) - Majority Element
  6. Question #189 (Medium) - Rotate Array
  7. Question #121 (Easy) - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  8. Question #122 (Medium) - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  9. Question #55 (Medium) - Jump Game
  10. Question #45 (Medium) - Jump Game II
  11. Question #274 (Medium) - H-Index
  12. Question #380 (Medium) - Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)
  13. Question #238 (Medium) - Product of Array Except Self
  14. Question #134 (Medium) - Gas Station
  15. Question #135 (Hard) - Candy
  16. Question #42 (Hard) - Trapping Rain Water
  17. Question #13 (Easy) - Roman to Integer
  18. Question #12 (Medium) - Integer to Roman
  19. Question #58 (Easy) - Length of Last Word
  20. Question #14 (Easy) - Longest Common Prefix

Two Pointers (7 Questions)

  1. Question #125 (Easy) - Valid Palindrome
  2. Question #392 (Easy) - Is Subsequence
  3. Question #167 (Medium) - Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
  4. Question #11 (Medium) - Container With Most Water
  5. Question #15 (Medium) - 3Sum
  6. Question #209 (Medium) - Minimum Size Subarray Sum
  7. Question #3 (Medium) - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Sliding Window (2 Questions)

  1. Question #30 (Hard) - Substring with Concatenation of All Words
  2. Question #76 (Hard) - Minimum Window Substring
  3. Question #438 (Medium) - Find All Anagrams in a String
  4. Question #567 (Medium) - Permutation in String

Matrix (5 Questions)

  1. Question #36 (Medium) - Valid Sudoku
  2. Question #54 (Medium) - Spiral Matrix
  3. Question #48 (Medium) - Rotate Image
  4. Question #73 (Medium) - Set Matrix Zeroes
  5. Question #289 (Medium) - Game of Life

Hashmap (9 Questions)

  1. Question #383 (Easy) - Ransom Note
  2. Question #205 (Easy) - Isomorphic Strings
  3. Question #290 (Easy) - Word Pattern
  4. Question #242 (Easy) - Valid Anagram
  5. Question #49 (Medium) - Group Anagrams
  6. Question #1 (Easy) - Two Sum
  7. Question #202 (Easy) - Happy Number
  8. Question #219 (Easy) - Contains Duplicate II
  9. Question #128 (Medium) - Longest Consecutive Sequence

Intervals (4 Questions)

  1. Question #228 (Easy) - Summary Ranges
  2. Question #56 (Medium) - Merge Intervals
  3. Question #57 (Medium) - Insert Interval
  4. Question #452 (Medium) - Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons
  5. Question #435 (Medium) - Non-overlapping Intervals

Stack (5 Questions)

  1. Question #20 (Easy) - Valid Parentheses
  2. Question #71 (Medium) - Simplify Path
  3. Question #155 (Medium) - Min Stack
  4. Question #150 (Medium) - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
  5. Question #224 (Hard) - Basic Calculator

Linked List (10 Questions)

  1. Question #141 (Easy) - Linked List Cycle
  2. Question #2 (Medium) - Add Two Numbers
  3. Question #21 (Easy) - Merge Two Sorted Lists
  4. Question #138 (Medium) - Copy List with Random Pointer
  5. Question #92 (Medium) - Reverse Linked List II
  6. Question #25 (Hard) - Reverse Nodes in k-Group
  7. Question #19 (Medium) - Remove Nth Node From End of List
  8. Question #82 (Medium) - Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
  9. Question #61 (Medium) - Rotate List
  10. Question #86 (Medium) - Partition List

Trie (2 Questions)

  1. Question #208 (Medium) - Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  2. Question #648 (Medium) - Search Suggestions System

Monotonic Stack (2 Questions)

  1. Question #739 (Medium) - Daily Temperatures
  2. Question #901 (Medium) - Online Stock Span

Graph Algorithms (4 Questions)

  1. Question #207 (Medium) - Course Schedule
  2. Question #210 (Medium) - Course Schedule II
  3. Question #133 (Medium) - Clone Graph
  4. Question #417 (Medium) - Pacific Atlantic Water Flow

Misc Questions

  1. Question #72 (Medium) - Edit Distance
  2. Question #146 (Medium) - LRU Cache
  3. Question #200 (Medium) - Number of Islands
  4. Question #938 (Easy) - Range Sum of BST

Total - 145 problems

Completed - 18 problems


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