A reupload of a Tank Game I made for CSC 413 at SFSU (Fall 2018).
This project contains a Java based 2-player tank game made for an assignment I completed in CSC 413 Software Development during the Fall of 2018. The game of my own design, but I had to meet a very specific feature list which included:
- The game must have 2 players.
- The player controlled tanks must move forwards, backwards, and rotate.
- The game must have a split screen camera.
- The game must have a minimap.
- The tanks must have health and lives.
- The game must have powerups (such as speed up, more bullets, etc.)
- The game must have terrain which includes breakable and unbreakable walls.
- Bullets shot by tanks must collide with walls and other tanks.
To play the game download the repo and run csc413_tankgame_atremarc_jar/csc413_tankgame_atremarc.jar
Visual assets were provided by the class instructor.
Player 1: wasd to move, 1 to shoot.
Player 2: arrow keys to move, enter to shoot.