Frontend for TF2-RCON-MISC CLI-Tool, showing players with additional steam-profile-information.
Work in progress. There is a release-package available for download and run, it needs a bunch of ENV variables to be set to work.
- Show all players from current TF2-Session
- Show Team of player
- Display Steam-Avatar of every player
- Provide link to steam-profile of players
- Show connection-stats for player, ping, loss
- Display steam playtime and account age of player
- Player-Reputation-functionality, mark players for good/bad behaviour and display that info next to their name, also detect players having VAC bans
- Reputation system for players, you can mark players as bots, hackers, general-warning or +reputation (local database)
- Show country flag of players
- Class balance analysation
Showing class proposition and "issues" in class balance for own and other team.
- Configure your TF2 to enable rcon and output log to console.log (see:
- Get into your Windows environment settings and set the path to your console.log file into the variable TF2_LOGPATH -- You may also want to acquire a steam web api key from and set it as variable STEAM_KEY
- You may need to relog into windows for environment variables to take effect
- Download latest release MannCoMastermind.exe and start it.
- NodeJS (I got 18.18.1)
- Tweak environment vars in
to fit your setup. - Run
, this should do the trick, better use console to see if it works or if there are issues.
Note: This program is using a submodule called "tf2-rcon.exe", if it is not present, it will automatically download it from github.
Clone the repo and install dependencies:
npm install
Start the app in the dev
npm start
Note: Don't kill the program with CTL+C on windows, cause the sub-process (tf2-rcon) will still be running and not being able to start on next startup cause of blocked listening port. (electron/electron#5273) You have to first close the electron window and then you can CTL+C. If you did kill the app by accident and tf2-rcon is still running and you actually need to restart tf2-rcon (which you probably dont even need) use something like TCPView to kill the process.
npx electron-forge make
Team Fortress 2 Color Palette Weapon kill icons and entity-names Electron React Webpack Boilerplate
You may want to look at usage of env var ENVIRONMENT (value: development) for direct usage of a tf2-rcon-copy. Otherwise a static release will be downloaded on start.