A lightweight (8kb, 2.9kb gziped) JavaScript library to let people share their text selections to social networks. (Yes, like Medium)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/sharect@2.0.0/dist/sharect.js"></script>
- Demo
- Quick Start
- Browser Support
- Documentation
- Usage
- Adding more social icons
- Upgrade to 2.0
- Contributing
npm install sharect
- Download from Github
<script src="https://unpkg.com/sharect@2.0.0/dist/sharect.js"></script>
The complete API is composed by 3 methods:
Optional. Configure the core library. Expects an object as argument with any of the following options.
Property | Default | Type | Description |
twitter |
true |
boolean |
If Twitter should be shown in tooltip |
facebook |
true |
boolean |
If Facebook should be shown in tooltip. |
twitterUsername |
"" |
string |
The username that should be cited when shared. Ex: estevanmaito |
backgroundColor |
#333333 |
string |
The background color of the tooltip. Can be any valid CSS color name |
iconColor |
string |
The color of the icons in the tooltip. Can be any valid CSS color name |
selectableElements |
['body'] |
array |
Define the elements that can be selected, including it's children. It expects a valid selector string like ['p', '.article', '#main'] |
twitterUsername: 'estevanmaito',
backgroundColor: '#C53364'
method above) you can safely ignore this method.
Optional. Extends the core social buttons. Expects an array of object(s) as argument containing an icon
and a url
must be a string containing a monochromatic 24x24px SVG.
must be a string containing the sharing URL (a list of options can be found in this project). Note that PAGE_URL
are required placeholders that will be replaced by the library.
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 478.165 478.165"><path d="M478.165 232.946c0 128.567-105.057 232.966-234.679 232.966-41.102 0-79.814-10.599-113.445-28.969L0 478.165l42.437-125.04c-21.438-35.065-33.77-76.207-33.77-120.159C8.667 104.34 113.763 0 243.485 0c129.623 0 234.68 104.34 234.68 232.946zM243.485 37.098c-108.802 0-197.422 87.803-197.422 195.868 0 42.915 13.986 82.603 37.576 114.879l-24.586 72.542 75.849-23.968c31.121 20.481 68.457 32.296 108.583 32.296 108.723 0 197.323-87.843 197.323-195.908 0-107.886-88.6-195.709-197.323-195.709zM361.931 286.62c-1.395-2.331-5.22-3.746-10.898-6.814-5.917-2.849-34.089-16.497-39.508-18.37-5.16-1.913-8.986-2.849-12.811 2.829-4.005 5.638-14.903 18.629-18.23 22.354-3.546 3.785-6.854 4.264-12.552 1.435-5.618-2.809-24.267-8.866-46.203-28.391-17.055-15.042-28.67-33.711-31.997-39.508-3.427-5.758-.398-8.826 2.471-11.635 2.69-2.59 5.778-6.734 8.627-10.041 2.969-3.287 3.905-5.638 5.798-9.424 1.913-3.905.936-7.192-.478-10.141-1.415-2.849-13.01-30.881-17.752-42.337-4.841-11.416-9.543-9.523-12.871-9.523-3.467 0-7.212-.478-11.117-.478-3.785 0-10.041 1.395-15.381 7.192-5.2 5.658-20.123 19.465-20.123 47.597 0 28.052 20.601 55.308 23.55 59.053 2.869 3.785 39.747 63.197 98.303 86.07 58.476 22.872 58.476 15.321 69.115 14.365 10.38-.956 34.069-13.867 38.811-27.096 4.66-13.45 4.66-24.766 3.246-27.137z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=TEXT_SELECTION%20PAGE_URL'
Required. Initialize the library.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/sharect@2.0.0/dist/sharect.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/sharect@2.0.0/dist/sharect.min.js"></script>
facebook: true,
twitter: true,
twitterUsername: 'estevanmaito',
backgroundColor: '#C53364',
iconColor: '#fff',
selectableElements: ['p']
You can find a list of social share options in this project, and below are some common social networks so you can save time or use it as reference.
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 478.165 478.165"><path d="M478.165 232.946c0 128.567-105.057 232.966-234.679 232.966-41.102 0-79.814-10.599-113.445-28.969L0 478.165l42.437-125.04c-21.438-35.065-33.77-76.207-33.77-120.159C8.667 104.34 113.763 0 243.485 0c129.623 0 234.68 104.34 234.68 232.946zM243.485 37.098c-108.802 0-197.422 87.803-197.422 195.868 0 42.915 13.986 82.603 37.576 114.879l-24.586 72.542 75.849-23.968c31.121 20.481 68.457 32.296 108.583 32.296 108.723 0 197.323-87.843 197.323-195.908 0-107.886-88.6-195.709-197.323-195.709zM361.931 286.62c-1.395-2.331-5.22-3.746-10.898-6.814-5.917-2.849-34.089-16.497-39.508-18.37-5.16-1.913-8.986-2.849-12.811 2.829-4.005 5.638-14.903 18.629-18.23 22.354-3.546 3.785-6.854 4.264-12.552 1.435-5.618-2.809-24.267-8.866-46.203-28.391-17.055-15.042-28.67-33.711-31.997-39.508-3.427-5.758-.398-8.826 2.471-11.635 2.69-2.59 5.778-6.734 8.627-10.041 2.969-3.287 3.905-5.638 5.798-9.424 1.913-3.905.936-7.192-.478-10.141-1.415-2.849-13.01-30.881-17.752-42.337-4.841-11.416-9.543-9.523-12.871-9.523-3.467 0-7.212-.478-11.117-.478-3.785 0-10.041 1.395-15.381 7.192-5.2 5.658-20.123 19.465-20.123 47.597 0 28.052 20.601 55.308 23.55 59.053 2.869 3.785 39.747 63.197 98.303 86.07 58.476 22.872 58.476 15.321 69.115 14.365 10.38-.956 34.069-13.867 38.811-27.096 4.66-13.45 4.66-24.766 3.246-27.137z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=TEXT_SELECTION%20PAGE_URL'
icon: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24"><path d="M133.333 300c0 18.41 14.924 33.333 33.333 33.333S200 318.41 200 300s-14.924-33.333-33.333-33.333S133.333 281.59 133.333 300zm200 0c0 18.41 14.924 33.333 33.333 33.333S400 318.41 400 300s-14.924-33.333-33.333-33.333S333.333 281.59 333.333 300zm1.621 71.238c8.585-6.763 21.029-5.288 27.796 3.298 6.765 8.587 5.287 21.03-3.3 27.796-23.905 18.832-60.324 31.001-92.783 31.001s-68.879-12.169-92.783-31.001c-8.586-6.766-10.062-19.209-3.298-27.796 6.765-8.584 19.209-10.061 27.794-3.298 13.762 10.843 41.001 22.512 68.287 22.512s54.524-11.669 68.287-22.512zm198.379-137.905c0-36.819-29.849-66.667-66.667-66.667-25.06 0-46.871 13.839-58.256 34.282-34.268-18.747-76.019-30.857-121.501-33.65l39.782-89.336 76.142 21.979c6.852 19.449 25.376 33.393 47.166 33.393 27.614 0 50-22.386 50-50s-22.386-50-50-50c-19.042 0-35.595 10.647-44.038 26.309l-84.848-24.491c-9.49-2.739-19.551 1.938-23.567 10.964l-54.048 121.368c-44.342 3.123-85.032 15.116-118.56 33.456-11.388-20.443-33.211-34.273-58.272-34.273C29.848 166.667 0 196.515 0 233.333c0 27.246 16.355 50.653 39.777 60.991-4.203 12.514-6.444 25.575-6.444 39.009C33.333 425.381 137.8 500 266.667 500 395.532 500 500 425.381 500 333.333c0-13.434-2.239-26.491-6.44-39.003 23.42-10.339 39.773-33.75 39.773-60.997zM450 64.583c10.355 0 18.75 8.395 18.75 18.75s-8.395 18.75-18.75 18.75-18.75-8.395-18.75-18.75 8.394-18.75 18.75-18.75zM33.333 233.333c0-18.38 14.953-33.333 33.333-33.333 13.285 0 24.777 7.814 30.128 19.087-17.42 13.211-31.857 28.449-42.534 45.174-12.252-4.931-20.927-16.932-20.927-30.928zm233.334 227.084c-107.005 0-193.75-56.897-193.75-127.084 0-70.186 86.745-127.083 193.75-127.083s193.75 56.897 193.75 127.083c0 70.187-86.746 127.084-193.75 127.084zm212.406-196.156c-10.677-16.725-25.113-31.964-42.534-45.175C441.89 207.814 453.381 200 466.667 200c18.38 0 33.333 14.953 33.333 33.333 0 13.996-8.675 25.997-20.927 30.928z"/></svg>',
url: 'https://reddit.com/submit?url=PAGE_URL&title=TEXT_SELECTION'
If you are coming from 1.x, please refer to our guide on upgrading.
Please, read the CONTRIBUTING.md.