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feat(filters): mock data (#185)
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* feat(filters): mock data

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tangjeff0 authored Jun 27, 2020
1 parent 09f8ba6 commit a46d97e
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Showing 2 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/cljs/athens/devcards.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
Expand Down
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions src/cljs/athens/devcards/filters.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
(ns athens.devcards.filters
["@material-ui/icons" :as mui-icons]
[athens.devcards.buttons :refer [button-primary]]
#_[ :refer [color OPACITIES]]
[devcards.core :refer [defcard-rg]]
#_[re-frame.core :as re-frame :refer [dispatch]]
[reagent.core :as r]
[stylefy.core :as stylefy :refer [use-style #_use-sub-style]]))

;;; Styles

(def container-style
{:width "400px"
:display "flex"
:flex-direction "column"})

(def search-style
{:width "100%"
:display "flex"})

(def controls-style
{:width "100%"
:display "flex"
:justify-content "space-between"})

(def filter-list-style
{:width "100%"
:display "flex"
:flex-direction "column"})

(def filter-style
{:width "100%"
:display "flex"
:justify-content "space-between"
:height "30px"})

(def added-style
{:background-color "lightblue"})

(def excluded-style
{:background-color "salmon"})

(def count-style
{:padding "5px"
:width "30px"})

(def filter-name-style
{:padding-left "10px"})

;;; Utilities

(def items
{"Amet" {:count 6 :state :added}
"At" {:count 30 :state :excluded}
"Diam" {:count 6}
"Donec" {:count 6}
"Elit" {:count 30}
"Elitu" {:count 1}
"Erat" {:count 11}
"Est" {:count 2}
"Eu" {:count 2}
"Ipsum" {:count 2 :state :excluded}
"Magnis" {:count 10 :state :added}
"Metus" {:count 29}
"Mi" {:count 7 :state :added}
"Quam" {:count 1}
"Turpis" {:count 97}
"Vitae" {:count 1}})

;;; Components

(defn filters-el
[_uid items]
(let [s (r/atom {:sort :lex
:items items
:search ""})]
(fn [_uid items]
(let [sort_ (:sort @s)
filtered-items (reduce-kv
(fn [m k v]
(if (re-find
(re-pattern (str "(?i)" (:search @s)))
(assoc m k v)
(:items @s))
items (if (= sort_ :lex)
(into (sorted-map) filtered-items)
(into (sorted-map-by (fn [k1 k2]
[(get-in items [k2 :count]) k1]
[(get-in items [k1 :count]) k2]))) filtered-items))
num-filters (count (filter
(fn [[_k v]] (:state v))

[:div (use-style container-style)
[:h5 "Filter"]

;; Search
[:input (use-style search-style
{:type "search"
:auto-focus true
:placeholder "Add or remove filters"
:value (:search @s)
:on-change (fn [e]
(swap! s assoc-in [:search] (.. e -target -value)))})]

;; Controls
[:div (use-style controls-style)
[button-primary {:label [:> mui-icons/Sort]
:on-click-fn (fn [_]
(swap! s assoc :sort (if (= sort_ :lex)
[:span (str num-filters " Filters Active")]
[button-primary {:label "Reset"
:on-click-fn (fn [_]
(swap! s assoc :items
(fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (dissoc v :state)))
(:items @s))))}]]]

;; List
[:div (use-style filter-list-style)
(for [[k {:keys [count state]}] items
:let [added? (= state :added)
excluded? (= state :excluded)]]
^{:key k}
[:div (use-style (merge filter-style
added? added-style
excluded? excluded-style))
{:on-click (fn [_]
(swap! s assoc-in [:items k :state]
(case state
nil :added
:added :excluded
:excluded nil)))})

;; Left
[:span (use-style count-style) count]
[:span (use-style filter-name-style) k]]

;; Right
(when (or added? excluded?)
[:span {:style {:display "flex"}} state
(if added?
[:> mui-icons/Check]
[:> mui-icons/Block])])]))]]))))

;;; Devcards

(defcard-rg Filters
[filters-el "((some-uid))" items])

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