Table of Contents
Code - N - Collab is a Collaboration website for Software developers , Competitive coders , and every one who loves to code and collaborate with others to learn and grow. It provides users to collaborate with their team , friends and also find people with similar their interests.
It provides users with :-
Real-time code editor : Users can collaborate with their team on issues and solve CP problems using a real-time code-editor(like Google Docs)
Lockout Championship : For Cp lovers, they can compete in a lockout championships with their friends to and challenge your friends for championship,filter problems with preferred difficulty and improve you CP skills
Blogs : To find new people and share your knowledge , platform provides users blogs to write learn and share
REACT_APP_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/'
- Fork the Repository
$ git clone<your-username>/Code-N-Collab.git
$ cd Code-N-Collab
$ git remote add upstream
$ npm install
$ npm start
we encourage organizations and individuals to contribute requirements, documentation, issues, new templates, and code. For code contributions, read :
- The Code of Conduct
- The Contribution Guidelines
- The Documentation
Mohd Athar -
Adnan Shamsi -
This project exists, thanks to all the people who contribute.