Twilio whatsapp chatbot. The dialog is configured in text files. The files are thus read in alphabetical order during the discussion.
- put the folder python310 and python/Scripts in the ennvironment variables
- connect to the ngrok site and copy the AuthToken
- download the code
- install dependencies
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # for Linux
# .venv/Scripts/activate.bat for Windows
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- the database script creation is into data folder
- Rename "init.env" to ".env"
- Edit ".env" file and put the right values
ngrok http 4000
- Copy the https:// URL from the ngrok output and then paste it on the "When a message comes in" field.
- Add /bot after the url to expose the endpoint
- Go to Twilio -> Messaging -> send WhatsApp message -> sandbox parameter
- Put your ngrok address here + /bot
- and save the configuration
Now you can start interacting with the number set on Twilio.
- The dialog files are listed in data/dialog.
- The dialogue is divided 2: a courtesy and a questions.
- The 0.json file allows you to set up words or phrases that will redirect the user to a folder in case of a free question. If in the user's answer, the words do not match the setting, all the folders will be listed.
- The 0.json file also contains words that the chatbot would not admit such as misplaced words, degrading words, etc.
- You must have at least ONE file in courtesy for the chatbot to function properly.
- For the chatbot to send multiple messages to the successively, you must use the | like separator
- No input check is made for the dialogue that is in the courtesy folder.
- A dialog file containing a choice in the answer, the answer must be numbered from 1 in ascending order.
- Some verification operations are done for the dialogue is in the file question: check_noun, check_str, check_number, check_phonenumber, check_city, check_email, select, map, generate_qrcode, calendar.
- There is an operation that selects items in databases and cross-references as choices. You must well configure the database before.
- Operations listed above don't work yet on dialogs listed in courtesy.