- What are the differences between C++ & Java ?
- What is class and object?
- What is abstract class? What is interface? What is the difference between abstract class and interface? When should we use abstract class and when should we use interface? explain a scenario.
- What is static function and variable?
- What is constructor and destructor? What is copy constructor?
- Show Inheritance via UML diagram
- How to implement multiple, hirarchical and multilevel inheritance ?
- Design a Tree class.
- What is memory leak? What is garbage collection? What is smart pointer? What is dangling pointer?
- What is virtual function? What is diamond problem in C++?
- What is Nullpointerexception?
- What is Overriding and Overloading?
- What is Linked list? What is circular linked list? Write a code for traversing a linked list and circular linked list.
- Write a code to find out the middle element of a linked list.
- Design a general Stack and Queue Class.
- Write a code for Binary Tree using Linked list. How can you count the number of nodes in that Tree ?
- What is Hash ? How can you build a Hash table ? What is the look up time in Hash Table ?
- What is collision in Hash table ? How can you minimize collitions ?
- You are asked to build Google Search Engine. Which data structure you prefer ? explain.
- How is an Array different from Linked List?
- Which data structures are used for BFS and DFS of a graph?
- What is LRU cache? Which Data Structure Should be used for implementiong LRU cache?
- Which data structure is used for dictionary and spell checker?
- Is there any difference between Null and Void ?
- Which sorting algorithm is considered the fastest?
- Which data structures are used with the following areas: RDBMS, Network data model and hierarchical data model?
- How many minimum numbers of queues are needed to implement the priority queue?
- What is the differences between Hub, Switch and Router ?
- What is OSI model ? What are the layers of OSI model ?
- What is the importance of the OSI Physical Layer ?
- What is a MAC Address? How many bytes in MAC address, IPv4 address and IPv6 address ?
- What is multicast routing?
- What is Bit Stuffing?
- What is the difference between the communication and transmission ?
- OpenID and OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect.
- access_token, SAML token, JWT token.
- Sticky session vs Session Replication.
- What is Federated Authentication ?
- What is CSP and SRI hash ?
- What is HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) ?
- What is Pre-Flight call ? When it is happen ?
- What is Clickjacking and Cursorjacking ? How to prevent it?
- What is message queue ?
- What is durable subscriber ?
- Java proxy vs CGLIB vs aspectJ ?
- Multiprocessing vs Multithreading ?
- What is save point ?
- What is AOP module ?
- Difference between Filter and Interceptor in Spring MVC ?