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No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.1.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Generator version: 7.5.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import onelens_backend_client


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import onelens_backend_client


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import onelens_backend_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = onelens_backend_client.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with onelens_backend_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = onelens_backend_client.DataRetrieverApi(api_client)
    data_retriever_request = onelens_backend_client.DataRetrieverRequest() # DataRetrieverRequest | 

        # Query Data Retriever
        api_response = api_instance.query_data_retriever(data_retriever_request)
        print("The response of DataRetrieverApi->query_data_retriever:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling DataRetrieverApi->query_data_retriever: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method Description
DataRetrieverApi query_data_retriever Query Data Retriever
RecommendationApi create_root_node Create Root Node
RecommendationApi get_recommendation_by_ticket_id Get Recommendation By Ticket Id
RecommendationEngineApi get_recommendation_unit_by_id Get Recommendation Unit By Id
RecommendationEngineApi get_recommendation_units Get Recommendation Units
RecommendationEngineApi get_recommendations Get Recommendations
ActionTypeMigrationServiceApi create_action_type_pull_request Create a pull request for the action_type template
ActionTypeMigrationServiceApi sync_action_type_from_repo Sync action_type from repo
Auth0Api create_user Create User
CloudAccountMetadataApi get_cloud_account_metadata Get Cloud Account Metadata
CloudAccountMetadataServiceApi get_cloud_account_metadata get cloud account metadata for tenant
CloudMetadataApi create_root_node Create Root Node
CloudMetadataServiceApi get_cloud_metadata get cloud metadata for tenant
DefaultApi root Root
HierarchyNodeServiceApi create_default_hierarchy create default hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi create_node create a node in org hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi create_root_node create a root node in org hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi delete_node delete a node in org hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi get_hierarchy get hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi get_hierarchy_flat get hierarchy flat
HierarchyNodeServiceApi get_hierarchy_node_by_id get hierarchy node by id
HierarchyNodeServiceApi get_leaf_nodes get hierarchy leaf nodes
HierarchyNodeServiceApi publish_custom_hierarchy publish custom hierarchy
HierarchyNodeServiceApi update_node update a node in org hierarchy
MetricsServiceApi get_metrics get metrics
MetricsServiceApi get_multiple_metrics get mutiple metrics
NaviraApisApi get_all_resource_catalogs Get All Resource Catalogs
NaviraApisApi get_all_resource_catalogs_0 Get All Resource Catalogs
NaviraServiceApi create_navira_log Create Navira Log
NaviraServiceApi fetch_logs_with_filters Fetch Logs With Filters
NaviraServiceApi update_navira_log Update Navira Log
OrganizationsApi create_organization Create Organization
OrganizationsApi disable_organization Disable Organization
OrganizationsApi enable_organization Enable Organization
OrganizationsApi get_organization Get Organization
OrganizationsApi get_organizations Get Organizations
OrganizationsApi update_organization Update Organization
PoliciesPolicyTemplatePacksApi create_policy_template_pack Create Policy Template Pack
PoliciesPolicyTemplatePacksApi get_policy_template_pack Get Policy Template Pack
PoliciesPolicyTemplatePacksApi get_policy_template_packs Get Policy Template Packs
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi activate_policy_template Activate Policy Template
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi create_policy_template Create Policy Template
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi deactivate_policy_template Deactivate Policy Template
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi deprecate_policy_template Deprecate Policy Template
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi get_policy_template Get Policy Template
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi get_policy_templates Get Policy Templates
PoliciesPolicyTemplatesApi update_policy_template Update Policy Template
PolicyTemplateMigrationServiceApi create_policy_template_pull_request Create a pull request for the policy template
PolicyTemplateMigrationServiceApi sync_policies_from_repo Sync policy from repo
PolicyTemplatePackServiceApi create_policy_template_pack Create a new policy template pack.
PolicyTemplatePackServiceApi get_policy_template_pack_by_id Get a policy template pack by id.
PolicyTemplatePackServiceApi get_policy_template_packs Get all policy template packs.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi activate_policy_template Deprecate a policy template.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi create_policy_template Creates a new policy template.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi deactivate_policy_template Deprecate a policy template.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi deprecate_policy_template Deprecate a policy template.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi get_policy_template_by_alias Retrieves a policy template by its alias.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi get_policy_template_by_id Retrieves a policy template by its unique identifier.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi get_policy_templates Retrieves all policy templates, optionally filtered by the parameters in the request.
PolicyTemplateServiceApi update_policy_template Updates an existing policy template.
RecommendationEngineServiceApi create_action_type Create Action Type
RecommendationEngineServiceApi get_action_types Get Action Types
RecommendationEngineServiceApi get_recommendations Get recommendations.
RecommendationEngineServiceApi query_executor Query Executor
RecommendationEngineServiceApi update_action_type Update Action Type
RecommendationServiceApi bulk_create Creates bulk recommendations.
RecommendationServiceApi get_recommendation_by_ticket_id Get recommendations by ticket id.
RecommendationUnitMigrationServiceApi create_recommendation_unit_pull_request Create a pull request for the recommendation_unit template
RecommendationUnitMigrationServiceApi sync_recommendation_unit_from_repo Sync recommendation_unit from repo
RecommendationUnitServiceApi create_recommendation_unit Create recommendation unit
RecommendationUnitServiceApi get_recommendation_unit_by_id Retrieves Recommendation unit ID.
RecommendationUnitServiceApi get_recommendation_units Retrieves all recommendation units with filters
RecommendationUnitServiceApi update_recommendation_unit Update recommendation unit
ResourceCatalogApi get_all_resource_catalogs Get All Resource Catalogs
ResourceCatalogApi get_resource_catalog Get Resource Catalog
ResourceCatalogApi get_resource_catalog_stats Get Resource Catalog Stats
ResourceCatalogApi get_resource_catalog_with_relationships Get Resource Catalog With Relationships
ResourceCatalogApi upsert_resource_catalog_cost_data Upsert Resource Catalog Cost Data
ResourceCatalogServiceApi get_all Get all resource catalogs
ResourceCatalogServiceApi get_by_id Get resource catalog by id
ResourceCatalogServiceApi get_by_id_with_relations Get resource catalog by id with relations
ResourceCatalogServiceApi get_resource_catalog_stats Get Resource Catalog Stats
ResourceCatalogServiceApi upsert_resource_catalog_cost_data Upsert resource catalog cost data
ResourceMappingServiceApi create create a resource hierarchy mapping
ResourceMappingServiceApi create_mappings_from_query create resource hierarchy mappings from query
ResourceMappingServiceApi delete_mappings_by_node_ids delete resource hierarchy mappings by node ids
ResourceMappingServiceApi get_mapping_by_ol_id get resource hierarchy mapping by ol id
ResourceMappingServiceApi get_node_metrics get hierarchy node metrics
ServiceCatalogApi get_cur_data_metrics Get Cur Data Metrics
ServiceCatalogApi get_cur_data_metrics_config Get Cur Data Metrics Config
ServiceCatalogApi get_metrics Get Metrics
ServiceCatalogApi get_multiple_metrices Get Multiple Metrices
ServiceCatalogApi get_service_catalog Get Service Catalog
ServiceCatalogServiceApi get service catalog service handler
ServiceCatalogServiceApi get_by_id service catalog get by id service handler
TenantAnomaliesApi disable_tenant_anomaly_setting Disable Tenant Anomaly Setting
TenantAnomaliesApi enable_tenant_anomaly_setting Enable Tenant Anomaly Setting
TenantAnomaliesApi get_tenant_anomaly_settings Get Tenant Anomaly Settings
TenantAnomaliesApi override_tenant_anomaly_config Override Tenant Anomaly Config
TenantAnomalyServiceApi disable_tenant_anomaly_setting disables an anomaly for a tenant in the tenant DB.
TenantAnomalyServiceApi enable_tenant_anomaly_setting enables an anomaly for a tenant in the tenant DB.
TenantAnomalyServiceApi get_tenant_anomaly_settings Retrieves all tenant anomaly settings, optionally filtered by the parameters in the request.
TenantAnomalyServiceApi override_tenant_anomaly_setting_config Override the tenant anomaly config with the provided config.
TenantEmbedAppsAndLinksApi create_tenant_embed_apps_links Create Tenant Embed Apps Links
TenantEmbedAppsAndLinksApi delete_tenant_embed_apps_links Delete Tenant Embed Apps Links
TenantEmbedAppsAndLinksApi get_all_tenant_embed_apps_links Get All Tenant Embed Apps Links
TenantEmbedAppsAndLinksApi get_tenant_embed_apps_link_by_id Get Tenant Embed Apps Link By Id
TenantEmbedAppsAndLinksApi update_tenant_embed_apps_links Update Tenant Embed Apps Links
TenantEmbedAppsLinksServiceApi create_tenant_embed_apps_links Creates tenant embed apps links.
TenantEmbedAppsLinksServiceApi delete_tenant_embed_apps_links Deletes tenant embed apps links.
TenantEmbedAppsLinksServiceApi get_all_tenant_embed_apps_links Retrieves tenant embed apps links.
TenantEmbedAppsLinksServiceApi get_tenant_embed_apps_link_by_id Retrieves tenant embed apps links.
TenantEmbedAppsLinksServiceApi update_tenant_embed_apps_links Updates tenant embed apps links.
TenantHierarchyApi create_default_hierarchy Create Default Hierarchy
TenantHierarchyApi create_hierarchy_node Create Hierarchy Node
TenantHierarchyApi create_root_node Create Root Node
TenantHierarchyApi delete_hierarchy_node Delete Hierarchy Node
TenantHierarchyApi get_hierarchy Get Hierarchy
TenantHierarchyApi get_hierarchy_flat Get Hierarchy Flat
TenantHierarchyApi get_hierarchy_leaf_nodes Get Hierarchy Leaf Nodes
TenantHierarchyApi get_hierarchy_node_by_id Get Hierarchy Node By Id
TenantHierarchyApi publish_custom_hierarchy Publish Custom Hierarchy
TenantHierarchyApi update_hierarchy_node Update Hierarchy Node
TenantHierarchyApi validate_node_filters Validate Node Filters
TenantPoliciesApi add_tenant_policy_exclusions Add Tenant Policy Exclusions
TenantPoliciesApi disable_tenant_policy Disable Tenant Policy
TenantPoliciesApi enable_all_policies Enable All Policies
TenantPoliciesApi enable_tenant_policy Enable Tenant Policy
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policies Get Tenant Policies
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policies_with_settings Get Tenant Policies With Settings
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policy_by_id Get Tenant Policy By Id
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policy_by_id_with_recommendations Get Tenant Policy By Id With Recommendations
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policy_settings Get Tenant Policy Settings
TenantPoliciesApi get_tenant_policy_stats Get Tenant Policy Stats
TenantPoliciesApi override_tenant_policy_config Override Tenant Policy Config
TenantPoliciesApi override_tenant_policy_exclusions Override Tenant Policy Exclusions
TenantPolicyServiceApi add_tenant_policy_exclusions Add tenant policy exclusions.
TenantPolicyServiceApi disable_tenant_policy disable a policy for a tenant in the tenant DB.
TenantPolicyServiceApi enable_all_policies enables all policies for a tenant.
TenantPolicyServiceApi enable_tenant_policy enables a policy for a tenant in the tenant DB.
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policies Retrieves all tenant policies, optionally filtered by the parameters in the request.
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policies_with_settings Retrieves all tenant policies, optionally filtered by the parameters in the request.
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policy_by_id Retrieves a tenant policy by its id.
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policy_settings Retrieves all tenant policy settings, optionally filtered by the parameters in the request.
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policy_stats Get Tenant Policy Stats
TenantPolicyServiceApi get_tenant_policy_with_summary Retrieves a tenant policy with corresponding recommendations, by its id.
TenantPolicyServiceApi override_tenant_policy_config Override the tenant policy config with the provided config.
TenantPolicyServiceApi override_tenant_policy_exclusions Override tenant policy exclusions.
TenantPolicyServiceApi update_tenant_policy_settings_last_run_at Update the last run at timestamp of the policy setting.
TenantProviderServiceApi create_tenant_provider Creates a new tenant Provider.
TenantProviderServiceApi get_tenant_provider_by_id Retrieves a Tenant Provider by its unique identifier.
TenantProviderServiceApi get_tenant_providers Retrieves all tenant providers.
TenantServiceApi create_tenant Creates a new tenant.
TenantServiceApi disable_tenant Disables a tenant.
TenantServiceApi enable_tenant Disables a tenant.
TenantServiceApi get_tenant_by_id Retrieves a tenant by its unique identifier.
TenantServiceApi get_tenants Retrieves all Tenants with filters.
TenantServiceApi update_tenant Updates an existing tenant.
TenantTicketServiceApi bulk_update_tenant_tickets Bulk update tenant tickets
TenantTicketServiceApi create_tenant_tickets Creates policy tickets in bulk
TenantTicketServiceApi get_all_policy_violations Get All Policy Violations
TenantTicketServiceApi get_policy_ticket_stats Get Policy Ticket Stats
TenantTicketServiceApi get_policy_tickets_by_entity_id Get Policy Tickets By Entity Id
TenantTicketServiceApi get_policy_tickets_by_policy_id Get Policy Tickets By Policy Id
TenantTicketServiceApi get_tenant_ticket_by_id_with_policy_details Retrieves all active tickets of a tenant.
TenantTicketServiceApi get_tenant_tickets Retrieves all active tickets of a tenant.
TenantTicketServiceApi update_tenant_ticket Update tenant policy ticket user state
TenantTicketServiceApi update_tenant_tickets Updates policy tickets in bulk
TenantUserServiceApi create_tenant_user Creates a new user.
TenantUserServiceApi create_tenant_user_from_ol_user_id Creates a new user from onelens user id (ol_user_id).
TenantUserServiceApi disable_tenant_user Disables an existing tenant user.
TenantUserServiceApi enable_tenant_user Enables an existing tenant user.
TenantUserServiceApi enable_tenant_user_with_system System Enables an existing tenant user.
TenantUserServiceApi get_tenant_user_by_ol_user_id Retrieves a tenant user by its unique onelens user id (ol_user_id).
TenantUserServiceApi get_tenant_users Retrieves all tenant users.
TenantUserServiceApi send_email_to_user_for_password_change Sends a password change email to the user.
TenantUserServiceApi update_tenant_user Updates an existing tenant user.
TenantUserServiceApi update_tenant_user_by_system Updates tenant user by system.
TenantUserServiceApi update_tenant_user_details Updates tenant user details.
TenantUsersApi create_tenant_user Create a new user in the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi disable_tenant_user Disable a user in the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi enable_tenant_user Enable a user in the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi get_all_tenant_users_with_filter Get all users from the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi get_tenant_user_by_ol_user_id Get a user from the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi get_tenant_user_profile Get user profile from the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi send_email_to_user_for_password_change Send user password change email.
TenantUsersApi update_tenant_user Update a user in the Tenant Database.
TenantUsersApi update_tenant_user_details Update a user details in the Tenant Database.
TenantVerifyServiceApi verify_tenant Verify Tenant
TenantVerifyServiceApi verify_tenant_cur_bucket Verify Tenant Cur Bucket
TenantsApi disable_tenant Disable Tenant
TenantsApi enable_tenant Enable Tenant
TenantsApi get_tenant Get Tenant
TenantsApi get_tenants Get Tenants
TenantsApi update_tenant Update Tenant
TenantsResourceCatalogApi create_root_node Create Root Node
TenantsTenantProviderVerifyApi verify_tenant_cur_bucket Verify Tenant Cur Bucket
TenantsTenantTicketsApi bulk_update_tenant_tickets Bulk Update Tenant Tickets
TenantsTenantTicketsApi create_tenant_tickets Create Tenant Tickets
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_all_policy_violations Get All Policy Violations
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_policy_ticket_stats Get Policy Ticket Stats
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_policy_tickets_by_entity_id Get Policy Tickets By Entity Id
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_policy_tickets_by_policy_id Get Policy Tickets By Policy Id
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_tenant_ticket_by_id_with_policy Get Tenant Ticket By Id With Policy
TenantsTenantTicketsApi get_tenant_tickets Get Tenant Tickets
TenantsTenantTicketsApi update_tenant_ticket Update Tenant Ticket
TenantsTenantTicketsApi update_tenant_tickets Update Tenant Tickets
TenantsTenantsProvidersApi disable_tenant_provider Disable Tenant Provider
TenantsTenantsProvidersApi enable_tenant_provider Enable Tenant Provider
TenantsTenantsProvidersApi get_tenant_provider Get Tenant Provider
TenantsTenantsProvidersApi get_tenant_providers Get Tenant Providers
UserTenantMappingApi create_user_tenant_mapping Create User Tenant Mapping
UsersApi create_user Create User
UsersApi get_user_by_id Get User By Id
UsersApi get_users Get Users
UsersApi update_user Update User

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.



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