parse excel formula to C# expression, and compile to executable lambda 将 Excel 中的公式转为 C#的表达式树,然后使用 lambda 执行
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var exp = ExpressionBuilder.Instance.Build("IF(F2>G2,1,0)");
var result = exp.Invoke(new { F2 = 1, G2 = 0 });
var builder = new FormulaBuilder("Attachments/XLExpression.xlsx");
var result = builder.CalculateAll();
formula implments at XLExpression/Functions/Impl/...
has implemented:
function/symbols | Remark |
+ | add/concat string |
- | minus |
* | minus |
/ | divide |
^ | pow |
= | equal |
<> | not equal |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equal |
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal |
If | |
And | |
Or | |
Round | |
Date | |
Sum | SUM(A1:A9), SUM(A1:D4), SUM(A1:A9, A1:D4) |
SumIf | |
VLookup | |
Count | |
CountIf | |
Left | |
Right | |
Find | |
Percentile | |
Percentile.Inc | |
Percentile.Exc | |
PercentRank | |
PercentRank.Inc | |
PercentRank.Exc | |
Max | |
Min |