This tool is a wrapper around Twitter Advanced
To search tweets containing a set of hashtags, use the flag -ht
followed by the list of hashtags, inside quotation marks if there
is more than one. To indicate date range, use --since
or -s
and --until
or -u
. E.g., to gather tweets with hashtags #charlie" or #hebdo
from 2016-07-01 to 2016-08-22.
$ python -ht "charlie hebdo" -s 2015-01-06 -u 2016-02-06
Note that the resulting output is a custom json format containing the fields:
created_at, user_id, tweet_id, tweet_text, screen_name, user_name, retweet_count, and favorite_count
In order to obtain the complete raw json tweets from the Twitter REST API, you
need Twitter API credentials. Check Twitter oauth
overview for details. After obtaining
credentials, modify the credentials.cfg
by substituting the corresponding
fields. You can specify multiple credentials. To use a specific credential,
run the script with the flag --raw
or -r
for short. This picks up the
credentials in credentials.cfg
$ python -ht "charlie hebdo" -s 2015-01-06 -u 2016-02-06 --raw
If you want to use a particular credential, then you specify the corresponding
name with the --key
flag or k
for short. E.g., to use credentials under
in credentials.cfg
$ python -ht "charlie hebdo" -s 2015-01-06 -u 2016-02-06 --raw -k another
If you prefer to store your query parameters in a file and use that instead of
supplying them in the command line, use the flag -mode file
. Modify the query
parameters inside the search.txt
in the project directory according to your
$ python -mode file
To search tweets containing any keyword, use -any
followed by the keywords.
E.g., to collect tweets with the cashtag $AAPL, we need to escape $ in $AAPL
when calling the script from the command line.
$ python -any \$AAPL -s 2016-07-01 -u 2016-08-02
If you want to retrieve tweets daily in order from past to recent.
Supply the --daily
$ python -ht kdd2016 -s 2016-08-10 -u 2016-08-20 --daily
If you want to retrieve tweets sorted in chronological order from past to recent.
Supply the --chronological
$ python -ht kdd2016 -s 2016-08-10 -u 2016-08-20 --chronological
To find out more options supported by the tool run:
$ python -h
The following documentation on operators in Advanced Search is taken
from the page Search Operators
which is buried under the link operators
. Read more about Using
advanced search.
Operator | Finds tweets... |
twitter search | containing both "twitter" and "search". This is the default operator. |
"happy hour" | containing the exact phrase "happy hour". |
love OR hate | containing either "love" or "hate" (or both). |
beer -root | containing "beer" but not "root". |
#haiku | containing the hashtag "haiku". |
from:alexiskold | sent from person "alexiskold". |
to:techcrunch | sent to person "techcrunch". |
@mashable | referencing person "mashable". |
"happy hour" near:"san francisco" | containing the exact phrase "happy hour" and sent near "san francisco". |
near:NYC within:15mi | sent within 15 miles of "NYC". |
superhero since:2010-12-27 | containing "superhero" and sent since date "2010-12-27" (year-month-day). |
ftw until:2010-12-27 | containing "ftw" and sent up to date "2010-12-27". |
movie -scary :) | containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude. |
flight :( | containing "flight" and with a negative attitude. |
traffic ? | containing "traffic" and asking a question. |
hilarious filter:links | containing "hilarious" and linking to URLs. |
news source:twitterfeed | containing "news" and entered via TwitterFeed |
Please cite 1 if using this code for building a demo or 2 if using for crawling tweets for other purposes.
[1] Hadgu, Asmelash Teka, Sallam Abualhaija, and Claudia Niederée. Sover! Social Media Observer.
title={Sover! Social Media Observer},
author={Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Abualhaija, Sallam and Nieder{\'e}e, Claudia},
booktitle={The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research \& Development in Information Retrieval},
[2] Hadgu, Asmelash Teka, Sallam Abualhaija, and Claudia Niederée. Real-time Adaptive Crawler for Tracking Unfolding Events on Twitter
title={Real-time Adaptive Crawler for Tracking Unfolding Events on Twitter},
author={Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Abualhaija, Sallam and Nieder{\'e}e, Claudia},
Twitter Advanced Search is MIT-licensed.