Repository for can be used to learn the electron configurations of elements of periodic table, see how their orbitals look in space and test your knowledge about them.
In the root of cloned repository run:
npm install
node bin/build.js --WVars --timestamps
The www
(dist) directory is now deployable.
Flag --dev
watches for changes on files in schema.
Flag --WVars
makes errors for not defined variables only warnings.
Flag --timestamps
enables timestamps in generated filenames.
Flag --same-build
keeps timestamps the same for all generations.
Flag --overwrite
causes generated files to be always overwritten regardless of content.
To use development mode successfully you will currently need both flags because some variables need empty string as default:
node bin/build.js --dev --WVars
For simple web server run:
php -S localhost:8000 -t www/ bin/router.php