This Project implements a simple quiz game with two difficulty levels (easy and hard).
QuizGame Class: Manages the questions and score. display_question function shows the question and answer options. run_quiz function iterates through questions, checks user answers, and updates the score.
Question Datasets: Two lists (easy_questions and hard_questions) store question details like text, options, and correct answer index.
Difficulty Selection: Prompts the user to choose between "easy" and "hard" difficulty. Based on the choice, selects the corresponding question set.
Shuffling Questions: Shuffles the chosen question set (selected_questions) to randomize the order.
Creating QuizGame Instance: Creates a QuizGame object with the shuffled question set.
Running the Quiz: Calls the run_quiz function to start the game loop. This code provides a basic structure for a text-based quiz game that can be extended with features like keeping track of high scores, adding time limits, or incorporating different question types.