This is a simple cellular automata program with two built in rules. One is a rule I made up. Another is Conway’s Game of Life’s rule. The default rule is conway’s and it has been mentioned in the config file.
- SPACE-Pause/Play
- ESC-Quit
- UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT-Pan Up/Down/Left/Right
- F/G-Zoom in/Zoom out from keyboard
- Mouse Scroll-Zoom in or out
- Left Click-Toggle grid cells state
- Mouse Middle button click and Drag-Pan
Initially the system is PAUSED, i.e you may freely click on the cells to make initial state. Clicking on the grid will toggle their states changing from dead to alive. Black cells are alive ones. Pressing SPACE will PLAY/PAUSE the system. In any time you may pause and alter the program’s state by clicking the grid to make it dead or alive. Zoom in or Zoom out with mouse scroll. Pan with mouse key press. UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT arrows may be used to navigate around. The grid is virtually infinite.
You may see in “config.json” some configuration. Size is the inital grid state i.e provided is of 50 rows and 80 columns. You may change it. You may manually put locations like [1,2], etc inside like ‘individual’:[[1,2], [2,3] ], but who would do that instead of just clicking on the grid. And in the range section “rows” and “cols” control rows and colums which are alive i.e coloured black. Given default is [20,30] in rows and just below it is [30,60]. Remember to match [] in rows and cols i.e for each [] in row there must be one [] in column. The rule is simple, what I have given colors rows from 20 to 40 and cols form 30 to 60 to black. If you want to color entire rows or columns just put [] in the rows if you want to select entire rows, and [] in columns for entire columns. Messing up the json file may throw error, if there are any syntax errors, so be careful while altering “config.json”. The ‘function’ is ‘conway’ by default. There is only another function or lets just say rule which is pretty useless.
If you want to start with clean grid just make the “rows”:[] and “cols”:[] in the “config.json” file
pip install -r requirements.txt python