Analysis of Rescript ParseTree
- Contains Rescript Parsetree types representation, toJSON and fromJSON for the types.
- Rescript Compiler parts for generating rescript parsetree, pretty print, toJSON and fromJSON instances.
- Contains Purescript Types and Rescript parse tree Types in Rust along with there toJSON, fromJSON instances.
/ps_lib and /rs_check
- Tried using the purescript (ps_lib) functions and types to use in rescript (rs_check) using purescript-tsd-gen
and ts2ocaml
nix develop
cd haskell_rescript_types
cabal build
cabal run
(This will just output Hello Haskell)
Testing the types in repl
cabal repl
All type definitions are in app/RescriptParsetree.hs
-> Imports the dummy rescript parsetree (rescript_parsetree.json) and parses it into the type.
ghci> import RescriptParsetree
ghci> importParseTree
"Parsed Success"
Setting up opam for OCaml packages
cd cst_viewer
opam init
Do you want opam to modify ~/.bash_profile? [N/y/f]
(default is 'no', use 'f' to choose a different file) y
A hook can be added to opam's init scripts to ensure that the shell remains in sync with the opam
environment when they are loaded. Set that up? [y/N] y
opam switch create .
eval $(opam env)
Building and executing the project
dune build
dune exec ./bin/main.exe