This is simple webguide project with minimal functions This project uses ESP32 on Arduino IDE. A 2.8 TFT SPI 240x320 v1.2 LCD is attached to the ESP32 for taking inputs.
- (MOSI)D23 -> 6(SDI) & 12(TDIN)
- (TCS) D21 -> 11(TCS)
- (MISO)D19 -> 9(SDO) & 13(TDO)
- (SCK) D18 -> 7(SCK) & 10(T_CLK)
- (RST) D4 -> 14(RESET)
- (DC) D2 -> 5(DC)
- (CS) D15 -> 3(CS)
- feedback -> D34
- nmr -> D35
- s1 -> D32
- s2 -> D33
- current -> D25
- D14 -> PWM
- D27 -> INB
- D26 -> INA
- D25 -> CS (current sensor : ADC)