A proof-of-concept to run Springboot applications Debian based container with support for:
- Tomcat native with APR over SSL
- HTTP/2
Dockerfile is based on Tomcat's Dockerfile with the following modifications:
- Changed
to match Springboot tomcat container version - Changed URL for Tomcat gpg keys
- Added
SDK - Removed clean-up of JDK for the convinience of building and running inside container (
gradle bootRun
To build, run ./build.sh
. Run build.sh -h
to see available options. It generates an image <REGISTRY_URL>/tomcatnative-gradle
. Image will be tagged with a version pulled from gradle project
example: ./build.sh -r docker.io -p
-v|--version Version number of the image. e.g: 1.0.0
-r|--registry Docker registry URL.
-p|--publish (Optional) Publish the image to the supplied docker registry.
--release (Optional) Release tag.
--latest (Optional) Move the latest tag.
NOTE: Building the image will not package springboot-http2
project inside it. Refer Usage section for how to run the project.
build.gradle has bootRun
task defined with all required params including ALPN library required to have http/2 working on JDK-8.
Run the following from sprintboot-http2
project directory:
docker run -d -p 8849:8849 -p 9900:9900 -p 9910:9910 -p 9920:9920 -v /${HOME}/.gradle:/gradle-cache -v ${PWD}:/springboot-http2 --name springboot-http2 <REGISTRY_URL>/tomcatnative-gradle bash -c "cd /springboot-http2 && gradle bootRun"
* 8849 --> JMX port for profiling (optional)
* 9900 --> http/2 port (h2 with SSL)
* 9910 --> NIO connector with SSL
* 9920 --> APR connector with SSL
- Run
gradle bootRepackage
. This will generate a jarbuild/libs/http2-poc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Docker run with bash.
- Run with alpn jar in classpath as shown in start.sh from inside the container.