Displaying the weather in Norfolk.
Clone the repository and run npm install
in the root directory.
$ npm install
You will need a configuration file to build the app. An example configuration file can be found in example.config.json
Copy the file and update values. Make sure the file name ends in _.config.json
$ cp example.config.json <configName>_.config.json
variable to the first part of the config file's name.
$ set CARNIVAL=<configName>
Run npm start to run the app locally
$ npm start
Built with generator-react-static.
Automatic deployment to firebase can be triggered with a gulp task.
Install gulp-cli
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
You must be on the master branch to deploy
$ git checkout master
Run the deploy task with an option specifying the version to bump
$ gulp deploy # default, patch version
$ gulp deploy --major # major version
$ gulp deploy --minor # minor version
$ gulp deploy --patch # patch version
Uses gulp-github-release-maker
Copyright © 2015-present Ashley Hill. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in LICENSE.txt file.