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Automated library documents

mirfjc edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 6 revisions

The documentation for the library will ultimately be generated by Doxygen. For now:

The foundation currently auto-generates:

memory.h : Where all the peripherals sit in memory.

structures.h : All the structures for each peripheral, as simple structures. And all the subregisers, as listed in the 'registermap' tables in the documentation. The later is implemented as static members of a holding structure (needs a bit of cleanup). This structure disappears at compile time leaving controlled but well optimized access to sub registers without the need for bit banging the registers directly.

instances.h : Instanciates the peripherals.

busses.h : How busses connect to buses.

clktree.h : Code to retreave what active clock values.

lddefs.h : globals exported from the linker link script.

stm32F4_isrbt.c : the ISR branch table.

stm32F4_rt.h : c-runtime stuff.

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