How many words can you come up with given 7 letters?
If you're anything like me, spelling is not your forte. Play this game if you're up for a challenge!
✅ Beginner
✅ Good Start
✅ Moving Up
✅ Good
✅ Solid
✅ Nice
✅ Great
✅ Amazing
✅ Genius
🌼 1 point: Valid words containing four characters
🌼 1 point per letter: Valid words longer than four characters
🌼 Extra 7 points: Valid words with all seven hive letters
- Implemented a responsive keyboard listener integrated with the GUI, improving user interactions and accessibility
- Efficiently managed debug toggles, allowing for precise modifications to the game's logic and swift resolution of input validation challenges, ensuring a robust and error-free gaming experience
- Engineered a dynamic ranking system that evaluates performance and showcases achievements through ranks
In the future, I hope to allow users to add in their own "valid" words in order to customize and personlize the game.