- Author: MageSpeedTest.com - Ashley Schroder (ashley@magespeedtest.com)
- Version: 0.0.2
- Website: http://www.magespeedtest.com
- GitHub: https://github.com/aschroder/Magento-Speed-Test-Extension
MageSpeedTest.com is a free service to simulate multiple customers on your webstore and test the speed. This extension will help you create your sitemap.xml file and run your first test.
You can configure periodic speed monitoring and receive an alert if your speed test results have changed dramatically - which can be an early indicator of problems.
With Premium Subscriber accounts you can test from multiple locations and with more users for longer durations. You can also monitor more sites, and access the monitor API.
A premium subscription is $9 per month and gives these benefits:
- Global Testing
- Longer, more stressful testing
- No cooldown period, useful when tuning and tweaking
- Repeat tests
- More monitoring
- Monitoring API access
This extension is developed by MageSpeedTest.com please send any feedback or questions to ashley@magespeedtest.com.