Prometheus 2.7.1 will be installed and enable service auto discovery for the newly deployed instances. Also, Node Exporter 0.17.0 is used on the AWS instances to export the Node Matrices.
Single Repository for Prometheus and Node Exporters.
will be used to setup prometheus and node exporters on the instances.
make prometheus
- Install and setup Prometheus on the Prometheus node. (install Prometheus, setup unit files, daemon reload, enable and start the service)
make node
- Install the Node Exporters on the EC2 instances to export the node matrices (install Node Exporter, setup unit files, daemon reload, enable, start the service)
Below Job is configured to discover the EC2 instances
- job_name: 'tc_kube_nodes'
- region: us-east-1
port: 9100
- source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_monitor]
regex: prometheus
action: keep
- source_labels: [__meta_ec2_instance_id]
target_label: instance
- label is used to identify the monitor
tag in the EC2 instances with the value prometheus
- pass the instance id as the instance
More information about the Prometheus Service Discovery configuration can be found here.
Node rules were added to check the average uptime of the nodes and, average uptime should be equal to 1. If it is less than to 1 it will start "firing" the alert
Here is the Average Node Uptime Rule:
- record: job:uptime:nodes
expr: avg(up {job="tc_kube_nodes"})
- alert: OneOrMoreNodesDown
expr: job:uptime:nodes < 1