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USE 32 BIT SERVER AS OF NOW! this gamemode is ready for 64bit, but it is not possible yet as dhooks and address saving doesnt work for 64bit yet.

TF2 Zombie Riot

You fight against AI enemies/Zombies with allies and try to win/suvive as long as possible, You buy weapons and or upgrade them from previous ones. Stay together and beat them Compile zombie_riot.sp for this.


THIS CODE IS COMPRISED OF MULTIPLE CODERS JUST ADDING THEIR THINGS! SO HOW THIS CODE WORKS CAN HEAVILY VARY FROM FILE TO FILE!!! I overall try to keep a standart across them all without bothering them too much.

If you wish to use this plugin for your own server, please keep all the credits that are here or i WILL cry. Do not go above 14 players(you can have 32 slots, i recommend 16+) but dont allow more inside the plugin itself (Inside queue.sp), as the server doesnt support that interms of performance, the npc's are limited at 32 for a reason. The performance heavy things are Lagcompensation and pathfinder, but i tried to optimise those as much as i could. Most of the code is made towards client prediction to make the best experience.

if you for some ungodly reason need 100 player zr, grab the 100 player version, otherwise use the other version for more performance and less ram usage.

Use THIS compiler version if you dont want any wierd issues when coding yourself:

Use this compiler incase you think compiling ZR takes too long, as they changed something

if you do, only get the from this.

Where can I see this gamemode in action?

IF you wish to see the plugin in action/or just are interrested in playing this gamemode rather then coding/messing with it, the main server for the plugin is this one hosted by disc.ff:

Main Servers: (American) ( steam://connect/ ) ( steam://connect/ )

(European) ( steam://connect/ )


Check the Cvar File.


"sm_give_cash" "PLAYER" "YOUR AMMOUNT"

  • Give money or remove money from said person or group


  • Will set the wave to the number given +1


  • Any id will spawn the specific npc on where you look, check code to see which number equals which npc


Go to Database.cfg inside your configs folder, and add

	"driver"			"sqlite"
	"database"			"zr_local_database"
	"driver"			"sqlite"
	"database"			"zr_global_database"

global zr can be a shared database across multiple servers, local one should stay sqlite.


Sourcemod 1.12 Is a Must. For both linux and Windows, not all linux gamedata might be here. The SourceMod plugins / extensions listed below are required for TF2 Zombie Riot to run:

If you want to compile, this include is needed!

Optional Things


Current coders that in anyway actively helped, in order of how much:

  • Artvin (main dev, me)
  • Batfoxkid (co dev)
  • JDeivid (Co Dev)
  • Mikusch (Gamedata assistance and more, a savior.)
  • Kenzzer (Got gamedata and make an extention edit for us, plus CBaseNpc!)
  • Spookmaster (general assitance and debugging too)
  • Mentrillum (Assitance in converting from Pathfollower to CBaseNpc!)
  • Suza(gamedata stuffs)
  • Alex(Weapons overall assistance)
  • Ficool2 (helped with the mvm hud logic and some workarounds)
  • Pelipoika (Npc base code that we heavily edited, thank you SO much for publishing it all.)
  • [backwards] (backwards#8236) on discord. (Helped with sdkcall lag compensation.)

Some Code is borrowed/just takes from other plugins i or friends made, often with permission, rarely without because i couldnt contact the person or it was just open sourcecode, credited anyways when i did that inside the code. All was under the GLP3.0 lisence.