Build jar: ./gradlew shadowJar
To use the udf with HIVE just add the following script:
ADD JAR /path/to/udf.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION ua AS 'by.artsiom.bigdata201.udf.UAGUDF';
Here is the hive script to select most popular os, device, and browser for each city:
ADD JAR /path/to/udf.jar;
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION ua AS 'by.artsiom.bigdata201.udf.UAGUDF';
COUNT(*) as count,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY b2.cityId ORDER BY count(*) DESC) AS rnk
FROM bids b1
) b2
GROUP BY b2.cityId, b2.os, b2.device, b2.browser
) b3
JOIN sity c ON c.cityId = b3.cityId
WHERE b3.rnk = 1
aba Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
akesu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
alashan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
aletai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ali Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
ankang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
anqing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
anshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
anshun Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 6
anyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
baicheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
baise Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
baishan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
baiyin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
bangbu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
baoding Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
baoji Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
baoshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
baotou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
bayannaoer Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
bayinguoleng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
bazhong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
beihai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
benxi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
bijie Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
binzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
boertala Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
bozhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
cangzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changchun Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changde Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changdu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
changji Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changsha Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changzhi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
changzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
chaohu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chaoyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chaozhou Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
chengde Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chengdu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chenzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chifeng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
chizhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chongzuo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
chuxiong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
chuzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dali Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dalian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dandong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
daqing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
datong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
daxinganling Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dazhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dehong Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
deyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dezhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
dingxi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
diqing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 6
dongguan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
dongying Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
eerduosi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
enshishi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ezhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
fangchenggang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
foshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
fushun Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
fuxin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
fuyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
fuzhou_124 Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
fuzhou_134 Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
gannan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ganzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
ganzi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guangan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guangyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guangzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guigang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guilin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
guiyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guoluo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
guyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
haerbin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
haibei Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
haidong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
haikou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
hainanzangzu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
haixi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hami Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
handan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
hangzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hanzhong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hebi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hechi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hefei Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hegang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
heihe Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hengshui Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hengyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
hetian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
heyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
heze Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
hezhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
honghe Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huaian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huaibei Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huaihua Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
huainan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huanggang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huangnan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huangshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huangshi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
huhehaote Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
huizhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
huludao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
hulunbeier Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
huzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jiamusi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jiangmen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
jiaozuo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jiaxing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jiayuguan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jieyang Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
jilin_city Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jinan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jinchang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jincheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jingdezhen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jingmen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
jingzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jinhua Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
jining Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jinzhongshi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jinzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
jiujiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
jiuquan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
jixi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
kaifeng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
kashi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
kelamayi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
kezilesukeerkezi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
kunming Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
laibin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
laiwu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
langfang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
lanzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
lasa Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
leshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
liangshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
lianyungang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
liaocheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
liaoyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
liaoyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
lijiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
lincang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
linfen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
linxia Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
linyi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
linzhi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
lishui Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
liuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
liupanshui Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
liuzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
longnan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
longyan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
loudi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
luohe Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
luoyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
luzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
lvliang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
maanshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
maoming Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
meishan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
meizhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
mianyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
mudanjiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
nanchang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
nanchong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
nanjing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
nanning Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
nanping Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
nantong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
nanyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
naqu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
neijiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ningbo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ningde Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
nujiang Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
panjin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
panzhihua Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
pingdingshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
pingliang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
pingxiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
puer Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
putian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
puyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qiandongnan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qiannan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qianxinan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qingdao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qingyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qingyuan Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
qinhuangdao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qinzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qiqihaer Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qitaihe Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
quanzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
qujing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
quzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
rikaze Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
rizhao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
sanmenxia Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
sanming Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
sanya Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shangluo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shangqiu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shangrao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 6
shannan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shantou Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
shanwei Windows XP Computer Chrome 21
shaoguan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shaoxing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shaoyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shenyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shenzhen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shijiazhuang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shiyan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
shizuishan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shuangyashan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
shuozhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
siping Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
songyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suihua Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suining Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suizhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suqian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
suzhou_jiangsu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tacheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
taian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
taiyuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
taizhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
taizhou_jiangsu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tangshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tianshui Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tieling Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tonghua Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tongliao Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
tongling Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tongren Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
tongzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
tulufan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
unknown Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
weifang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
weihai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
weinan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wenshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
wenzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuhai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuhan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuhu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
wulanchabu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wulumuqi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuwei Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuxi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuzhong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
wuzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
xiamen Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xiangfan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xiangtan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
xiangxi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xianning Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xianyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xiaogan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xilinguole Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xingan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xingtai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xining Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
xinxiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xinyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
xinyu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 6
xinzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xishuangbanna Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xuancheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xuchang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
xuzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yaan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yanan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yanbian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yancheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yangjiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yangquan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yangzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yantai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yibin Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yichang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yichun_134 Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yichun_65 Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yili Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yinchuan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yingkou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yingtan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yiyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 6
yongzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yueyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yulin_238 Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yulin_333 Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yuncheng Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yunfu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
yushu Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
yuxi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zaozhuang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zhangjiajie Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhangjiakou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zhangye Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhangzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhanjiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhaoqing Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhaotong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zhengzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhenjiang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zhongshan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhongwei Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhoukou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhoushan Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhuhai Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhumadian Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zhuzhou Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
zibo Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zigong Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
ziyang Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 8
zunyi Windows XP Computer Internet Explorer 7
Here are the list of a few schemas of partitioning/bucketing for the dataset (the script can be found in the scripts/partitioned
- partitioned by city id and os name
- partitioned by city id
- partitioned by region id and city id
- partitioned by time and bucketed by city
All of these schemas are appropriate to corresponding tasks and works on the dataset. For example, if we need analyze the data by some time range it is good to use the last schema proposed by me. In case of the most popular os, device, browser for each city
we should consider only the second one as we are working only with cityId
and useragent
columns here and can effectively distribute work for each partition (cityId) among the map/reducers in our cluter. We won't get any execution time advantage by using other schemas, we will only lose. Partitioning by any other column does not make sense because of the large partitions number. We have to remember that too many partitions can lead to performance degradation.
Let's change file format to save space. I chouse ORC because this file format has more interesting features that we can use to improve execution time and save space.
To create a table stored as ORC:
hive -d BIDS_TABLE_NAME=bids_orc \
-f create_partitioned_table_bids_orc.hql
By running hdfs dfs -du -s -h /path/to/hive/warehouse/table_name
we can see that plain text data takes 22.6 Gb of disc space while the same dataset in ORC takes only 3.2 Gb. It is huge difference.
We can create an infex for the cityId column by running:
hive -d INDEX_NAME=cityIdIdx \
-d TABLE_NAME=bids \
-d COL_NAME=cityId \
-f create_index.hql
Actually, indexes in Hive are not recommended. The reason for this is ORC. ORC has build in Indexes which allow the format to skip blocks of data during read, they also support Bloom filters. Together this pretty much replicates what Hive Indexes did and they do it automatically in the data format without the need to manage an external table (which is essentially what happens in indexes). Also, ORC allows us to read only columns needed.
Tez offers a reusable, flexible and extensible platform in which random data-flow oriented frameworks are supported, whereas replicated functionalities are avoided. Tez APIs let frameworks model both logical as well as physical semantics of the data flow graphs in a clear manner, with nominal code.
Following significant contributions are made by Apache Tez and let us to have performance improvements in comparizon with MapReduce:
- Permits model computation as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Uncovers APIs to progress the DAG definition in a dynamic way
- Offers an efficient and scalable execution of advanced features
On the basis of different parameters, a number of differences can be observed between Tez and MapReduce as shown in the following table:
Parameters | Apache Tez | MapReduce |
Processing Model | specific Map phase and we possibly will have several reduce phases | Prior to the reduce phase, a map phase is always needed by MapReduce |
Response time | Low | High |
Temporary data storage | More efficient. | Not efficient. After every map and reduce phase, it keeps temporary data into HDFS. |
Usage of Hadoop containers | Employ existing containers as well. | Extra containers are needed for further jobs. |
To enable vectorization we can use the hive.vectorized.execution.enabled
hive setting and set it to true.
Here are the examples of query execution in the ambari hive ui and the zeppelin notebook (the notebook can be found scripts/top_ua_for_each_city_notebook.json
I sequentially ran all cases on HDP 2.6.5 cluster with same default settings with 8Gb of RAM.
>./ engine table
engine - mr/tez/spark
table - the table name on which the query should be executed
Here is what I got (execution time table (seconds)):
Attempt | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Plain text MR (no partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 1274 | 1609 | 1735 | 1194 | 1217 | 1236 | 1233 | 1287 | 1185 | 1182 |
Plain text Tez (no partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 1103 | 1094 | 1039 | 1068 | 1088 | 1082 | 1044 | 1101 | 1057 | 1065 |
Plain text Spark (no partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 1204 | 1223 | 1147 | 1167 | 1155 | 1121 | 1128 | 1133 | 1132 | 1121 |
ORC MR (partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 469 | 473 | 487 | 502 | 482 | 485 | 479 | 477 | 480 | 474 |
ORC MR (partitions, vectorization, index) | 439 | 461 | 440 | 441 | 450 | 443 | 446 | 435 | 438 | 443 |
ORC Tez (partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 446 | 468 | 448 | 453 | 450 | 447 | 459 | 467 | 437 | 448 |
ORC Tez (partitions, vectorization, index) | 380 | 371 | 389 | 388 | 397 | 383 | 370 | 362 | 368 | 374 |
ORC Spark (partitions, no index, no vectorization) | 459 | 444 | 442 | 476 | 458 | 473 | 460 | 464 | 458 | 464 |
ORC Spark (partitions, vectorization, index) | 386 | 398 | 388 | 395 | 403 | 401 | 405 | 386 | 393 | 396 |
Below you can see the visualisations for all metrics together and for the metrics that have optimisations.
Tez shows best execution time, but Spark is almost there. I think that is because Apache Spark APIs are optimized for in-memory computations, albeit do not perform their best when they need to write data, outside the memory. I was running all the attempts on hdp 2.6.5, so there were some memory restrictions that is why Spark has a bit longer executin time in comparison to Tez. MR has the worst execution time.
Using the table and charts above, we can see that our optimizations work as expected we can get some improvement, but we cannot say the value of the improvement based on the execution time above, because there is a large number of factors that can make a difference (cluster size, capacity, data format, processing methods, result latency, etc.).