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This project is meant to teach PhP fundamentals by creating a blog, step by step.

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This project is meant to teach PhP fundamentals by creating a blog, step by step. It uses the Bootstrap framework and stores its data in JSON files.

This is how the final app looks like:

Travel Blog Screenshot

Follow these steps to continuously build a server-side Blog web app with PhP.

1. Data model

Create 3 model classes in the 'model' folder: Post, User and Category.

2. Test data

Write scripts in the scripts folder that generate test data in JSON format in the data folder.

3. Controllers

Create controllers in the controllers folder that load and display the JSON data.


Create PHP/HTML views in the views folder. Write a view function that loads data from the corresponding JSON file and loads the proper view template to display it.

5. UI framework

Chose a UI framework. We recommend:

  1. Bootstrap or Material Design Lite
  2. search for a demo layout page and copy its HTML code to the views\posts.php file.
    For example: AdminLTE starter page
  3. open the controllers\posts.php page in your browser and check the result.
  4. correct all the CSS, JS and image references using CDN links (for starters).
  5. remove all unnecessary UI elements and place your own labels.

6. Layout template

Create a layout template. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. create a views\partials sub-directory.
  2. cut out the code of HTML <head>, top navigation, sidebar and footer and paste it into their corresponding PhP files.
  3. require all partials in the loadView() function.
  4. create a public folder and css, img, js and webfonts sub-folders. Download the corresponding resources to these directories and modify the links to use the local copies.
  5. tell the PhP server to use the public directory with these parameters:
    php -S localhost:8080 -t public

7. Router

Implement a basic router:

  1. inside public\index.php, insert this code:
    $uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])['path'];
    $routes = [
      '/' => '../controllers/posts.php',
      '/posts' => '../controllers/posts.php',
      '/categories' => '../controllers/categories.php',
      '/users' => '../controllers/users.php'
    if(array_key_exists($uri, $routes)) {
      require $routes[$uri];
    } else {
  2. add an error page: view\404.php
  3. add dynamic titles by adding a $title parameter to the loadView($view, $title) function. Pass a title in the corresponding controller. Example: loadView("posts", "Memories of our travels")
    Display that title in the view by using the $title variable: <h1 class="m-0"><?= $title ?></h1>
  4. place the proper page links in the top-navbar and sidebar: <a href="/posts" class="nav-link">Posts</a>
  5. highlight the current nav link in the sidebar by checking the $view variable: <a href="/posts" class="nav-link <?= $view=='posts'? 'bg-indigo' : ''?>">

8. 'Create post' feature

Implement the create post feature. For this:

  1. create the controllers\posts directory and move controllers\posts.php to constrollers\posts\index.php. Correct all necessary links.
  2. create the views\posts directory and move views\posts.php to views\posts\index.php. Correct all necessary links.
  3. create both controllers\posts\create.php and views\posts\create.php.
  4. in public\index.php, add this route to the $routes:
    '/posts/create' => BASE_PATH . '/controllers/posts/create.php'
  5. in views\posts\create.php, insert a HTML form with these fields:
    1. title as simple input field,
    2. categories[] as multiple select box and
    3. body as textarea. You may use a rich text editor like TinyMCE.
    4. you may add jQuery Validation to it.
    5. add method="post" action="/posts/save" to the <form> tag.
    6. add '/posts/save' => BASE_PATH . '/controllers/posts/store.php' to the $routes.
  6. in functions.php, write a saveData($key, $newEntry) function.
  7. implement controllers\posts\store.php:
    1. create a new Post with the fields submitted in the form:
      $newPost = new Post($_POST['title'], $_POST['body'], $_POST['userId'], $_POST['categories'])
    2. save that post: saveData('posts', $newPost)
    3. redirect to the posts overview page: header("location: /posts")

9. 'Post detail' view

Implement the 'post detail' view:

  1. create a new dynamic rule in the router:
    // check if `$uri` starts with 'posts'
    if (strpos($uri, "/posts/") == 0) {
       // parse any ID after the slash
       $postId = intval(substr($uri, 7));
       if ($postId) {
          require BASE_PATH . '/controllers/posts/read.php';
  2. implement controllers\posts\read.php:
    Get the current post by its id: $post = $GLOBALS['posts'][$postId]. Load the detail view and pass the current post: loadView("posts/read", $post->title, ['post'=>$post])
  3. create views\posts\read.php, showing the post's details.
    Add a close button to return to the overview.

10. 'Delete post' feature

Implement the 'delete post' feature:

  1. add a new rule to the routes:
    '/posts/delete' => BASE_PATH . '/controllers/posts/delete.php'
  2. in views\posts\read.php, add a 'delete' button that is only visible if the current user is identical to the post's user:
    if($_SESSION['currentUser'] == $post->userId)
  3. upon button click, show a dialog that asks: 'Do you really want to delete this post?'.
  4. in the dialog, implement a small <form method="post" action="/posts/delete"> with a hidden <input name="postId" type="hidden" value="<?= $post->id ?>">.
  5. create the controllers\posts\delete.php controller and insert this code:
    $postId = $_POST['postId'];
    header("location: /posts");

11. 'Edit existing post' feature

Implement the 'edit existing post' feature:

  1. add a new rule to the routes:
    '/posts/update' => BASE_PATH . '/controllers/posts/update.php'
  2. remember the current user id in a session variable. To do so, insert this code at the beginning of loadView():
    if (!isset($_SESSION['currentUser'])) {
      // start with UserId = 2
      $_SESSION['currentUser'] = 2;
  3. only a post's author should have the right to edit it. So in views\posts\read.php, add an 'Edit' button that is only visible if the current user is identical to the post's user:
    if($_SESSION['currentUser'] == $post->userId)
  4. add a small <form method="post" action="/posts/update"> with a hidden <input name="postId" type="hidden" value="<?= $post->id ?>">.
  5. create the controllers\posts\update.php controller and insert this code:
    $postId = $_POST['postId'];
    $post = $GLOBALS['posts'][$postId];
    if (!$post) {
      header("location: /posts");
    loadView("posts/edit", "[Edit] " . $post->title, ['post' => $post]);
  6. in controllers\posts\create.php, create a new, empty Post and pass it to the view:
    $newPost = new Post("", "", null, []);
    loadView("posts/edit", "New blog post", ['post' => $newPost]);
  7. rename views\posts\create.php to edit.php. Insert these hidden fields right after the <form>:
    <input type="hidden" name="isExistingPost" value="<?=$post->userId ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?= $post->id ?>">
  8. fill all fields' values with the post's data:
    <input name="title" value="<?= $post->title ?>">
    <select name="categories[]">
    <?php foreach ($GLOBALS['categories'] as $category) : ?>
       <option value="<?= $category->id ?>"
           <?= $post->categories && in_array($category->id, $post->categories) ? 'selected' : '' ?> >
           <?= $category->name ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <textarea name="body"><?= $post->body ?></textarea>
  9. modify the code in controllers\posts\save.php:
    $isExistingPost = $_POST['isExistingPost'];
    // remove temporary field
    if ($isExistingPost) {
      $postId = $_POST['id'];
      $post = $GLOBALS['posts'][$postId];
      if ($post) {
        // update the existing post with the <form> fields
        $GLOBALS['posts'][$postId] = array_merge((array)$post, $_POST);
    } else {
      $newPost = new Post($_POST['title'], $_POST['body'], intval($_POST['userId']), $_POST['categories']);
      saveData('posts', $newPost);
    header("location: /posts");

12. 'Create and edit users' feature

Description will follow...


This project is meant to teach PhP fundamentals by creating a blog, step by step.






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