I'm Arthur, Frontend / Javascript developer with over 5 years of experience. I have a vast international and intercultural experience and I'm currently located in Lisbon, Portugal.
As a tech enthusiast, I've always liked to be an early adopter of many technologies, as I love to test and contribute to projects with my feedbacks. Good examples are: Github Copilot (in AI), and a long long time Windows Insider user (even before Windows 10).
Below are some relevant technologies which I have experience with. Most I used on a daily basis in a production environment:
Languages: TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3 | YAML | JSON | Markdown | GraphQL | Web Assembly
Frameworks: Next | Gatsby | Express | React Native | Vue | Electron
Platforms (CI/CD): CircleCI
Environments: Node
Tools: Storybook | Figma | Zeplin | Lighthouse | Lerna | NX
CMS: Contentful | Kentico | WordPress
Testing: Jest | Testing Library | Cypress
Styling: Styled-Components | CSS Modules | PostCSS | SASS | Tailwind | Bootstrap | Material UI | Fluent UI
Other: Redux | React Router | Web Components