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Acquire Packages Manually

Marquis Kurt edited this page Jul 29, 2017 · 2 revisions

This article will help you get the required packages to install AliceKit onto your system.

We recommend starting with a clean install of Ubuntu; this will help avoid errors and breaking in packages.

  1. Install all of the required apt packages by running sudo apt install clang cmake git qtbase5-dev into the Terminal.
  2. Download the Swift binary for Ubuntu by heading to Swift's download page and extract the downloaded tar.gz file.
  3. You'll need to copy the usr directory to the file system's usr directory; this will require superuser permissions. (You're merging the two folders together to install Swift systemwide).
  4. To confirm that Swift has been installed correctly, run swift --version into the terminal.

Up next: Install Qlift Systemwide ›

AliceKit AliceKit currently works on Swift 3.1.1 and uses Qlift (and API) 0.0.37.

Update Notice

Qlift has been updated to 0.0.37, update your packages now and reinstall Qlift!

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