- Spring Boot (version 2.7.1)
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate 5.5
- REST Repositories
- MySQL Database
- Maven (version 3.8.5)
- Log4j2
- Lombok (version 1.18.24)
- IDE : Spring Tool Suite 4 (Version: 4.15.1.RELEASE)
- Java version: 17.0.3
- Postman (version 9.4)
- Controller layer
- Service layer
- Repository layer
- Model layer
- Created 4 controllers(user, post, status and comment)
- Created the get, post and delete mappings for the end points.
- From Controller the program flow goes to the service class.
- Created 4 services (userService, postService , statusService, commentService)
- Using micro-services architecture.
- Now the program flow goes to the repository class.
- Created 4 reposotories (user repo, status repo, comment repo, comment repo).
- These repositories extends the JpaRepositories
- JpaRepositories contains all the CRUD pre-defined functions with pagination functionality.
- Created the entity class(pojo) : user, status, comment, post.
- In entity class , I have used the hibernate and persistance annotations for mapping the tables(OneToMany) and creating the tables and the primary key.
- Injected the logging framework Log4j2 in this project.
- In resources, created Log4j2.properties file that contains all the information for the logging.
- The logging level is info.
- Destination is console and external log file in the drive.
- For all the endpoints, loggings will be done.