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C library for parsing TOML 1.0. Passes all of TOML test suite.

This is a fork of, as that didn't seem hugely maintained, and has a number of errors. This library isn't compatible.

Note: API is likely to change in the future!


This can be used in two ways: as a library or in "header only mode":

  • "Header only mode" is to make it a bit easier to include this in a project: just copy header/toml-c.h to your project and #include <toml-c.h> and you're done – nothing else needed.

    It's essentially just "cat toml.h toml.c > toml-c.h" with a bit of frobbing.

  • For "library mode" build and libtoml.a by just typing make.


See toml.h and examples.


Run make check to run the tests; this requires toml-test to be in $PATH.