Devpost Submission:
Instructions on Running Program:
- Open terminal(preferrably powershell) and change the directory to the Bach-to-the-Future repository.
- Ensure requests, bs4, tkinter, tqdm, selenium, PyQt5, and qdarkgraystyle libraries are in the current environment. If not, run pip install in terminal.
- Install geckodriver ( and add its location to PATH.
- Install the latest version of Firefox.
- Ensure .csv application is not open and if it is open, close the file.
- Type python3 on the command line and run.
- If filename is not inputted on command line, the output .csv file name will be default_name.csv.
- Type a search term for the specified product and press enter.
- Progress bar of listings for each website will be shown and the .csv file will be outputted in the Bach-to-the-Future repository.
NOTE : The UI is a Mock up , thus not a part of the main project. Future incorporation is possible.