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Repository files navigation

The website

The API Handyman blog uses Jekyll and Github pages among other things.

Install and run

The Jekyll Serve serve task defined in .vscode/tasks.json starts when the repo folder is opened in VS Code. It creates the necessary docker image and starts it. Open http://localhost:4000

git clone


Creating a new post

To create a new post, use the "New Post" VS Code task:

  • Open VS Code command palette (command-shit-p)
  • Run task
  • New Post
  • Set title
  • Choose a category
  • Set a publish date

This will create:

  • post branch
  • md file in _posts
  • images directory in images

Note: Post banner and thumbnail are the same image (images/<post directory>/banner.png or images/<post directory>/banner.jpg).

Set excerpt

This text will be shown on posts list.
But not this one


Images are located in images/<post url>directory, you only need the relative filename to include them:

{% include image.html source="xkcd.png" caption="XKCD: Workflow" url="" %}


{% include quote.html 
    author="Hyrum Wright"
    source="Hyrum's Law"
    text="With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody."

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes information can be embedded using the following styles:

  • quote: All data as a quote
  • rfc: RFC number (RFC XXXX)
  • rfcname: RFC number and name
  • rfcfull: RFC number, name and url
  • code: Code only
  • reason: Reason only
  • If no style is provided, the value is code and reason
{% include http-status-code.html code="405" style="quote" %}

HTTP status code data are defined in _data/http-status-codes.yaml and RFC data are defined in _data/rfcs.yaml.

Code blocks

Code blocks look like this:

What the toolbar buttons do (from left to right):

  • The first button (double arrow) is for expanding/shrinking the code block content.
  • The second button (file icon) opens the file which is shown in code block (when using codefile)
  • The third one copy the code block content (that can be simplified) to clip board

Inline code blocks

{% code language:<language> numbers:<true|false> highlight:"<range1,...,rangeN" %}
some code
{% endcode %}


  • title (optional): the block title
  • language (mandatory): the language used
  • numbers (optional): showing line numbers or not (true by default)
  • highlight (optional): a set of line index (1) or range (3-4) separated by , to highlight

Inline code block with lines highlighted

{% code language:yaml numbers:false highlight:"1, 3-4" %}
some: inline
code: which
will: be
hightlighted: by prism
{% endcode %}

Inline code block with customized copy

What is below {{site.codeblock_hidden_copy_separator}} will be copied.

{% code title:"Modifying an entire object value" language:bash %}

[] $jq '' demo-api-openapi.json
  "name": "The Banking API team",
  "email": "",
  "url": ""
[] $jq ' = { name: "The Awesome Banking API Team", url: "" }' demo-api-openapi.json | jq ''
  "name": "The Awesome Banking API Team",
  "url": ""


jq '' demo-api-openapi.json
jq ' = { name: "The Awesome Banking API Team", url: "" }' demo-api-openapi.json | jq ''

{% endcode %}

File code block

Instead of writing code block inline, a file can be included:

{% codefile title:"$filename" file:demo-api-openapi.json %}


  • filename (mandatory): the file to include (Files are searched in code/<post url> folder if no folder is specified in file.)
  • title (optional): the block title (Use $filename to set title to the actual filename)
  • language (mandatory): the language used
  • numbers (optional): showing line numbers or not (true by default)
  • highlight (optional): a set of line index (1) or range (3-4) separated by , to highlight


Check my AscriiptnemA tool to easily record pre-scripted bash sessions using asciinema.

{% include asciinema.html 
          src="/code/api-toolbox-jq-and-openapi/part-3/replace.cast" title="Replacing elements"
          poster="npt:1:20" %}


Add following data in _data/thirdpartycontents.yaml:

  source: youtube
  id: MAHW5DmM9j4
  preview: /images/thirdpartycontents/the-augmented-api-design-reviewer-asc.jpg

Then use the following code to include it in a post:

{% include video.html title="the-augmented-api-design-reviewer-asc" %}

Slide decks

Slide decks files are located in slidedecks folder.

├── a-quest-for-simplicity
│   ├── a-quest-for-simplicity.pdf
│   ├── index.html
│   └── slides
│       ├── slide-001.png
│       ├── slide-002.png

They can be included in a post with:

{% include slidedeck.html title="a-quest-for-simplicity" %}


Publishing is done automatically by the Publish action (.github/workflows/publish.yml) when merging/pushing on the main branch. This action does the following:

  • Cloning the repo
  • Launching Jekyll build using docker
  • Pushing the build to gh-pages
  • Cleaning Cloudflare cache