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OkRandomAccess is a small extension for Okio introducing random access functionality to sinks and sources on the JVM.


It looks like dealing with random access files will become possible with Okio 3. However, this library

  • is compatible with Okio 2 while Okio 3 is still in alpha;
  • provides the simplest possible API via position parameter avoiding artificial entities like cursor from Okio 3.


This software is built with Gradle and tested to work with Java 8 and 15. Testing is done with Jimfs and JUnit.


Currently, only reading from and writing to a file are supported. For additional functionality feel free to open an issue/discussion.

The target environment for this library is JVM. Multiplatform support is beyond the scope of this library.


Creating a random access sink/source is done similarly to Okio's source()/sink() API:

import com.github.armay.okrandomaccess.buffer
import com.github.armay.okrandomaccess.randomAccessSink
import com.github.armay.okrandomaccess.randomAccessSource

/* Other imports & code */

val path: Path = Paths.get("some_file")

path.randomAccessSource().buffer().use { source -> /* Your code goes here */ }

path.randomAccessSink().buffer().use { sink -> /* Your code goes here */ }

Calling buffer() wraps a RandomAccessSink or RandomAccessSource into its buffered version making accessible methods such as BufferedSource.readInt(): Int, etc.

Positioning is done via RandomAccess.position: Long property, e.g.

    source.position = i * bytesPerElement // point at the i-th element in a file representation of a list

Please, refer to tests for a working code sample.


This project is released under MIT License.