- unicode all files in current working directory (CWD) and files in all subdirectories of CWD recursively. For Stata users updated from version 13 to version 14 or higher.
- (中文-Chinese) 适用于 stata15 用户。可以一次性对当前工作路径以及所有子文件夹中的文件进行转码(unicode),以保证中文字符可以正常显示。
- 方法1: 下载
文件夹中。 - 方法2:
- 输入
ssc install github, replace
命令 (若已安装,请忽略此步骤); - 输入
github install arlionn/uall, replace
- 输入
- 在 Stata 命令窗口中输入
help uall
,查看命令介绍和 Stata 范例。参照范例使用即可。
* Change current working directory (CWD), 待转换文件路径
. cd D:\stata15\ado\personal\mypaper
* For Chinese users: (对该文件夹下的所有文件进行转码)
. uall
* For Japnese users:
. uall ibm-943_P15A-2003
* For Korean users:
. uall ibm-970_P110_P110-2006_U2
- Yujun,Lian (Arlion) Department of Finance, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University.
- E-mail: arlionn@163.com.
- Blog: https://github.com/arlionn/ || http://www.jianshu.com/u/69a30474ef33
- 连玉君 (知乎 | 简书 | 码云)
I would like to thank Dr. Hua Peng at StataCorp LP for helpful suggestions.
Codes from rcd
by Nikos Askitas and Dan Blanchette have been incorporated.