codejam: Here I have placed solutions to some problems published in qualification round of Google Codejam 2020. I did not participate in context, just afterwards I did write some solution only to check, how I would perform.
datacenter: Here I have put my solution for problem of 2015 Google Hashcode qualification round, done for training.
drones: Similarly as above, but here it's problem from 2016. Here it was first problem, where I tried to use Python to build a simple simulation.
kickstart: Here I am placing codes for problems from Google Kickstart - most of them were done afterwards, some of them I have implemented during competition time.
latex: Here you can find template for LateX document with all basic components - paragraphs, enumerations, itemizations, tables, few nice pictures, etc.
standard_algorithms: Here I have put Python implementations of some standard problems, including few that are described in my website, in Algorithms section.
julia: Here I am successfully placing copies of codes from other folders, but written in Julia programming language, which I want to explore.