Very simple, unobtrusive ratings app for Django
- Clone this repo to your django app's folder
- Add 'django-simple-ratings' to INSTALLED_APPS
- On your template, load the template tags:
{% load ratings %}
- Use the "show_ratings" template tag on an object:
{% show_ratings <object> %}
If you want to show the top rated objects for a given model, use the "top_rated" template tag: {% top_rated '<app_name>' '<model_name>' %}
Where <app_name> and <model_name> are case UNsensitive, don't forget the single quotes.
This uses the Django ContentTypes Framework. Borrowed some code examples from django-star-ratings and I specifically didn't want to use "GenericRelation" for showing the top rated objects because I wanted this to work without touching the model to be rated code.
This code is not the most elegant possible and I think it must be very incomplete. django-star-ratings is Python3 compatible and far more complete I would say.
Being that said, feel free to do whathever you want with this code. Help with improving is very much appreciated.