GitHub Badges for your profile and projects, like visits counter.
This version is based on repository id, so it's safe to rename your repository and change the badge URL. This will keep the stats intact.
There is no way to count unique visitors, because GitHub proxies all images URLs through GitHub Camo
Add to your via markdown syntax:
Replace your-username
and your-repository-name
<img src="" />
Replace your-username
and your-repository-name
<img src="" />
- Add home page
- Add page showing badges and examples when visiting
- Add options on badge
Visits History
, like width, height, color theme - Add badges themes
- Add badges translations
- Setup the environment variables with your GitHub Id and Token
- See here for more details
cp .env.local.example .env
docker compose up -d
docker exec another-github-badges-web npm run migrate:up
Access http://localhost:3000/badges