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Argo CD EphemeralAccess Extension


This project provides an Argo CD extension to enable ephemeral access in Argo CD UI. It can be viewed as something similar to the functionality that sudo command provides as users can execute actions that require higher permissions. The exact access the user is allowed to be elevated to and for how long the access should be granted are configurable. The elevated access are automatically managed by creating and updating Argo CD AppProject roles.

Note: This project requires that the Argo CD Applications are associated with an AppProjects different than default.

Table of Contents




The Ephemeral Access extension requires Argo CD v2.13.0+ to be installed.


The ephemeral-access functionality is provided by the following components that needs to be configured properly to achieve the desired behaviour:

  • ui: Argo CD UI extension that provides users with the functionality to request elevated access to an Argo CD Application.
  • backend: Serves the REST API used by the UI extension.
  • controller: Responsible for reconciling the AccessRequest resource.

Installing the Backend and the Controller

We provide a consolidated install.yaml asset file in every release. The install.yaml file contains all the resources required to run the backend service and the controller. Check the latest release in the releases page and replace the DESIRED_VERSION in the command below:

kubectl apply -f<DESIRED_VERSION>/install.yaml

This command will create a new namespace argocd-ephemeral-access and deploy the necessary resources in it.

All configurations available for the backend and controller are provided as part of the dedicated configmap for each of those components. To modify the configuration, the suggested method is to create a kustomize overlay and patch the configmaps. Refer to the following files for a quick reference about the available fields as well as the documentation:

Install UI extension

The UI extension needs to be installed by mounting the React component in Argo CD API server. This process can be automated by using the argocd-extension-installer. This installation method will run an init container that will download, extract and place the file in the correct location.

The yaml file below is an example of how to define a kustomize patch to install this UI extension:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: argocd-server
        - name: extension-ephemeral-access
          - name: EXTENSION_NAME
            value: ephemeral-access
          - name: EXTENSION_URL
          - name: EXTENSION_CHECKSUM_URL
          - name: EXTENSION_JS_VARS
            value: |
                "EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_LABEL_KEY": "some-label/is-production",
                "EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_LABEL_VALUE": "true",
                "EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_MAIN_BANNER": "All production changes require an associated change request. Click the REQUEST ACCESS button above to automatically create a change request associated with your user",
                "EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT_TARGET_ROLE": "devops"
            - name: extensions
              mountPath: /tmp/extensions/
            runAsUser: 1000
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        - name: argocd-server
            - name: extensions
              mountPath: /tmp/extensions/
        - name: extensions
          emptyDir: {}


The EXTENSION_JS_VARS is an special variable. It contains the UI extension configurations. If provided, the argocd-extension-installer will automatically create the js file to expose the provided values to the UI extension. The following table describes the js variables accepted by the EphemeralAccess UI extension:

Name Description Required Default
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ACCESS Defines the default name displayed as the current access level in the plugin, this is for display only and does not impact role assignment No Read
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_DEFAULT_TARGET_ROLE Defines the RoleName to be associated with users once the AccessRequest is created Yes -
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_LABEL_KEY If provided, it will only enable the UI extension if the Argo CD Application has this label key No -
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_LABEL_VALUE If provided, it will only enable the UI extension if the Argo CD Application has this label value No -
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_MAIN_BANNER A text with the brief description to instruct users about how the extension works No -
EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_MAIN_BANNER_ADDITIONAL_INFO_LINK An additional link to provide users with more detailed documentation No -

Enabling the EphemeralAccess extension in Argo CD

Argo CD needs to have the proxy extension feature enabled for the EphemeralAccess extension to work. In order to do so add the following entry in the argocd-cmd-params-cm:

server.enable.proxy.extension: "true"

The EphemeralAccess extension needs to be authorized in Argo CD API server. To enable it for all users add the following entry in argocd-rbac-cm:

policy.csv: |-
  p, role:readonly, extensions, invoke, ephemeral, allow

Note: make sure to assign a proper role to the extension policy if you want to restrict the access.

Finally Argo CD needs to be configured so it knows how to reach the EphemeralAccess backend service. In order to do so, add the following section in the argocd-cm.

  extension.config.ephemeral: |-

Attention: Make sure to change the EPHEMERAL_ACCESS_BACKEND_URL to the URL where backend service is configured. The backend service URL needs to be reachable by the Argo CD API server.

How it Works

This project provides a set of CRDs that are used to configure the behaviour of how the Argo CD access can be elevated. The diagram below describes how the different components interact which each CRD:

Ephemeral Access Diagram

The CRDs provided as part of this project are described below:


The AccessBinding resource is used by the backend service in order to authorize the incoming access request. The authorization is based on the groups claim that are associated with the user token once authenticated by the OIDC provider. The backend service will try to match each entry of the user's groups claim with the value provided in the .spec.subjects list. At least one entry needs to match for the user to be allowed to have their access elevated to the role defined in the

The .spec.subjects list are templated fields and accept the following variables:

  • application: the Argo CD Application resource. Note that all Application resource's fields will be available.
  • project: the Argo CD AppProject resource. Similar to the application variable, all AppProject resource's fields will be available.

The .spec.if field can be used to provide extra custom logic to decide if a given subject should have their access elevated. The field will be evaluated using the expr syntax and the same variables above will be also available.

The .spec.ordinal field is used to order the list result in 2 different scenarios:

  • returning the list of active AccessRequest for a user
  • returning the list of available roles for a user

When returning the list of active AccessRequests for a user, the result will be sorted in ascending order. This means that the .spec.ordinal must be configured with lower numbers for roles with higher privileges. For example, if you have defined 3 role templates: admin, devops, developer the AccessBindings should be configured as: spec.ordinal
admin 0
devops 1
developer 2

This way, if a given user has 2 AccessRequests active at the same time, we will display the one with higher privileges as the current permission in Argo CD UI.

The .spec.ordinal also impacts the Roles dropdown list that users can select while requesting elevated access. In this case we sort in descending order so the users will be presented with a list with less privileges roles first.

The example below demonstrates how the AccessBinding can be configured:

kind: AccessBinding
  name: some-access-binding
  ordinal: 1
  friendlyName: "Devops (Write)"
    - group1
    - role-{{.application.metadata.labels.some-label}}
  if: "application.metadata.labels.some-label != nil"
    name: devops


The AccessRequest resource is automatically generated by the backend service based on preconfigured values. This is the main resource used to drive how and for how long the user should have their access elevated.

The example below demonstrates how the AccessRequest can be configured:

kind: AccessRequest
  name: some-application-username
  namespace: ephemeral
    name: ephemeral
    namespace: argocd
  duration: '1m'
    friendlyName: Devops (Write)
    ordinal: 1
    templateName: devops


The RoleTemplate defines a templated Argo CD RBAC policies. Once the elevated access is requested and approved, the policies will be rendered and dynamically associated with the AppProject related with the access request.

The following variable are available to be used in the templated fields (.spec.description and .spec.policies):

  • role: generated string that must be used as the second value in the policy csv as demonstrated in the example below.
  • project: the Argo CD AppProject name associated with the access request
  • application: the Argo CD Application name associated with the access request
  • namespace: the namespace where the Argo CD Application lives.

The example below demonstrates how the RoleTemplate can be configured:

kind: RoleTemplate
  name: devops
  description: write permission in application {{.application}}
  name: "devops"
  - p, {{.role}}, applications, sync, {{.project}}/{{.application}}, allow
  - p, {{.role}}, applications, action/*, {{.project}}/{{.application}}, allow
  - p, {{.role}}, applications, delete/*/Pod/*, {{.project}}/{{.application}}, allow



All necessary development tasks are available as make targets. Some of the targets will make use of external tools. All external tools used by this project will be automatically downloaded in the bin folder of this repo as required.

Run the following command to have a full documented list of make targets available as part of this project:

make help


For building all component of this project simply run make (which is an alias for make build). This target will:

  • Build the Go project. The binary will be placed in the bin folder of this repo.
  • Build the UI extension. The UI extension will be packaged in the ui/extension.tar file in this repo.

To build a docker image with custom namespace and tag run

IMAGE_NAMESPACE="" IMAGE_TAG="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" make docker-build


The EphemeralAccess extension provides a plugin capability that can be used to enhance its core functionality. A few examples are:

  • Access ServiceNow API to verify if the given Application has an associated Change Request in approved state before elevating the user's access.
  • Access company's internal services for last mile user access validation.

To learn more about plugins and learn about how to implement one, check the examples/plugin folder in this repository.